Young!Avenger living in the Avengers building Headcannons

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Hulk understanding that you are smaller so he's super gentle when he's near you
Black Widow pushing you hard because you're young
Natasha being super sweet and helping you clean up after a tough fight
Natasha telling you she's proud
Tony having to tell you what Steve is saying and visa-versa because of the age gap in the speech patterns you use
Hanging off Bucky's arm
Bucky silently staring as if you're not bothering him
Trapping Scott under glass cups
Scott getting revenge by shrinking your things
Sam teaching you to fly
Sam encouraging when you mess up flying and don't want to try againPepper telling you off like she tells off Tony
Seeing what you can throw through Vision
Tony letting you build random stuff with Bruce
Tony covering for you when said stuff goes wrong
Sassing F.R.I.D.A.Y
Poking Vision (He may not be real you have to check!)
Testing Mjölnir
Testing different way to lift Mjölnir
Insisting that you have to do a prank every Lokisday (Saturday)
Getting Thor to tell Loki about your pranksUsing Cap's shield as a skateboard / snowboard
Trying to beat Clint at archery
Listening to Wanda talk about her home and old life
Wanda protecting you
Trying to make Bucky jump (You'll do it one day)
Steve taking care of you when you get sick
Tony finding the best tutors for you
Not being allowed off the Avengers property alone
Testing equipment
Breaking things accidentally with said equipment
Reminding everyone what you can defend yourself

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