Incy Wincy Spider

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"(Y/N) look out!" Natasha called and you rolled out of the way, only to be shut in a room with Loki.

"Well hello, how fun it will be to play with you." Loki teased and cocked his head. "I was hoping for one of the others but I guess you'll do."

"Bite me." You huffed and glared at Loki who chuckled and pointed his staff at you, trapping you in a green mass.

"No, but I believe you'll be able to put a few of them out of commission, if we make you bite size." He chuckled and a green flash filled the room and you collapsed seeing the window explode as you blacked out.


"Is that Iron Man?" Cap asked and everyone turned to look over at the building they'd been fighting to enter.

"What's he holding?" Natasha asked and everyone readied themselves.

"So, we had a little accident." Tony called as he landed among the heroes.

"WWEEEE!" The thing in his arms screeched. "Again!"

"Did you steal a baby?" Thor asked and frowned at Tony who rolled his eyes. "This is not the correct way to acquire a child."

"No, it's (Y/N) Loki shrank her." Tony sighed and handed you to Cap' who bounced and cooed you.

"We can turn her, back right?" Natasha asked as she bent down to look at you.

"We should be able to if we can capture Loki." Thor sighed as the group headed home.


Everyone was woken to the sound of delighted squeaks; each squeak was jarred as if whatever was making the noise was bumping into something. When the entire avengers team shot out of their rooms they found Pepper chasing after you as you slid around the halls and down the stairs on Steve's shield.

"Well you can't blame her for being active she is a Black Widow." Natasha sighed and everyone glanced from her to you who had somehow gotten into the elevator and had Thor's cape running after you.

"I knew she liked the cape." He chuckled.

"You lot can save the planet every week but you can't catch a child!" Pepper huffed as she tried to find you.

"Pretty robots!" The cry came and everyone rushed down stairs to find you playing with a robot hand.

"We still have to catch Loki." Clint pointed out.

"Can we go get juice?" you asked, pulling at Steve's joggers until he bent down to you. "I really like juice."

"Sure, we can find some juice." Steve muttered.

"If you don't need me I could run some tests and see if there's an alternative way to turn (Y/N) back." Bruce offered and they nodded.

"I'll team up with Clint and try to find word about where Loki could be." Natasha offered and Clint agreed as he headed upstairs to get dressed.

"Well I guess we're looking for Loki to." Tony glanced at Thor who was chuckling at you as you tried to lift Mjolnir and gave up, deciding to sit on it instead.

"I like (Y/N) like this, she is sweet, makes a nice change from how grumpy she normally is." Thor chuckled as Steve picked you up and let you sit on his shoulders.


"I like strawberry." You hummed as you held Steve's hand and looked up at the pictures on the juice bar.

"Strawberry's nice." He nodded in agreement, having already been told each flavour of juice that you liked on the walk over. "So, are you going to get strawberry?" He asked and you shook your head.

"I don't know." You mumbled and peered over the counter to the back.

"Well we'll need to head back soon so why don't you try and decide." Steve muttered and smiled at the cashier.

When you arrived back home the team was waiting to update Steve and all found the sight of Steve carrying all the juices' you picked while you carried the receipt, hilarious.

"She couldn't make up her mind." Steve sighed.

"Aw, well she seems happy now." Natasha chuckled as she scooped you up and sat you next to her, handing you once of the juices' and let you snuggle into her side ad you sipped noisily through the straw.

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