Hazard Pay

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Pepper seemed to make eye contact with you. You could have sworn she did. But before you could approach her with your questions, she had hurried off into the crowd. Trying to follow her, even calling her name, you found that it was harder to navigate the party than you thought.

"There you are!" Tony said as he seemed to part the crowd of people around you. Turning you swallowed, seeing your boss and smiled.

"Mr Stark. I'm sorry I was just looking for Pepper and..." You started to explain. He raised and handed and tutted as he took your arm in his and led you to the bar.

"Let's get you a drink." He muttered. He started talking to the bartender, ignoring you for a moment.

"But I... I wanted to talk to Pepper about the money that... I really have to..." You tried to explain. A drink was set in front of you and before you could continue he cut you off.

"Here, there you take a sip of that. It'll knock your socks right off." He muttered to you. You continued to try and explain but he just spoke over you. "... not that you're wearing socks, maybe something already knocked them off."

"Mr Stark, please! I have to go and..."

"I put the money in your account." He said finally, when he saw you really were concerned.

"You? Why?" You asked. He shrugged as he took a sip of his drink, moving you through the room. He paused to take a photo with you before answering.

"Your reputation is good for the company." He answered casually and let go of you, he greeted a few people and took some photos with them. Someone hurried over to give him another drink and take his empty glass, you handed them your untouched drink and hurried after him.

"Reputation? I have a reputation?" You asked as you followed him.

"Do you always ask so many questions?" He asked without looking at you as he greeted a few more people.

"Only when they suddenly put five hundred thousand dollars in my bank account!" You said shortly. He sighed and glanced at you.

"You've been photographed with several of the Avengers, been part of the team that helped arrange relief funds for areas affected by our... mishaps. Not to mention the philanthropic projects that you have worked on while working for Stark Industries. The public love you." Tony said and started to leave. You barged in front of him and frowned.

"Why exactly did that lead you to giving me so much money?" You demanded.

"Oh! I didn't give it to you. It's your new wage, plus a little extra for the Hazard Pay and the work you've already done, back pay." He explained. When you stared at him blankly he sighed. "Consider yourself promoted." He said as he started to walk towards an area that had less people in.

"I've been promoted to what!" You asked. He was starting to firstraite you. You wanted more than anything, for him to just stand still for a moment and asner your questions.

"You're the Avengers Communications Liaison." He said as if he'd not just told you something life changing. He led the way into the room where you recognised a few avengers that you had seen at the Stark tower before the fight in New York.

"Did he finally tell you?" Pepper asked as she hurried over.

"Well I wish someone had given me a heads up. I woke up to a bank account full of money. It was pretty scary. I thought I'd accidentally stolen it!" You said to her as she joined the two of you.

"Rhodey said he should have told you before he did it." She muttered as she pointed him out, sitting with a woman you hadn't met before.

"He isn't going to take no for an answer is he?"

"Tony had eighteen plans in case you try to turn the job down." Pepper informed you as she led you towards the seats, where everyone had gravitated, to introduce you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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