Deal With The Devil: Prologue

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My eyes shot open at his words. "The fuck do you mean?!" I said while sitting up in bed, and the blanket that was clinging to my frame fell into my lap.

My bare breasts were revealed and I squeaked, pulling my blanket up to cover my boobs.
A deep blush came to my cheeks as I glared at he man in front of me. He clicked his tongue and faced me.

"There's nothing to hide. I've already seen everything," he said smoothly.

"Wh-what do you mean...?" I gulped as I made eye-contact with him.

"We had sex last night. It's how I confirm deals."

My eyes practically bulged out of my eye sockets. "W-wh-what th-the fuck was our deal...?"

"I'm your new roommate. In exchange, I get your soul."

"And why would I agree to that...?"

"Do you not remember little girl...? Let me remind you." The raven haired man walked up to me and touched my forehead.

~Flack Back~

My head felt heavy as I stumbled out of the building. The smell of tobacco and marijuana burned my nose as my dry throat let out a hoarse groan once my face made contact with the pavement. With weak legs, I stumbled to my knees. "W-why are my- sho-shoes gone...? *hiccup*" I croaked with weary eyes.

No one answered as people waited around the building. Without a second thought, I put my weak feet in front of me and tried walking home. My black dress clung tightly to my sweaty form. My hair was down and frizz was starting to softly attack it.

My feet felt like they were swelling as new blisters formed with each step I took on the cold ground. The cold night pricked my skin as I wobbled.

"Who do we have here...? Woah stop little mama!!" a voice said in the dark.

I swiveled my head towards the voice and saw two tall men standing in an alleyway. One of the men licked his lips and stuck out his finger. He motioned for me to come closer. "Want to have a little fun...?"

I pursed my lips and let out in a low voice, "I would rather die than touch you." One man threw a beer bottle at my feet. Luckily, it missed. A sly smile spread across my lips as I continued walking.

Without thinking, I ended up on a bridge. The soft cold air pricked my skin. I looked up at the dark night sky. Barely any stars could be seen. I was in the city anyway.

The sound of honking and cars running past me faded out. My dim eyes looked down. "So high up..." I whispered. A small smile spread across my lips.

"I would rather die with a smile, than tears."

"You wish to die...?" A voice whispered in my ear. Their hot breath touching my neck. A cold hand ran down my arm and I closed my eyes.



"It doesn't matter."

"Tell me."

Without thinking, I told them. "My job does not provide the money I need to cover rent. I can not find a roommate. I'm going to be convicted. I have no friends, or family. No one needs me. I mean nothing. I want someone. Anyone... and I will give them anything. But I have nothing."

A laugh, a cold laugh left their throat. "You have a body. Why not become a prostitute?"

I bit my lip as my body tensed. "Don't degrade me to shit like that. I may be worthless, but I'm not a skank. If I'm going to be worthless, I'd rather get their through something real, than fake."

"Hm... then I will be your roommate. But in exchange, at the end of your life, I will get your soul."

"What are you? A demon?"

"Something like that..."


My head felt as if it was spinning. Black spots covered my vision, and all I could feel was the motion of gravity pulling me down. Wind was whipping past me. I felt heavy. Then... warm arms wrapped around me.

A Deal With The Devil (Reader x Sasuke!Demon)Where stories live. Discover now