Too hot for you- L.H**

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7019 words flipping hell!
(Smutty smut smut)

You're not entirely sure when your life became so clichéd, but you'd admit to never having imagined yourself falling victim to the classic drunken truth or dare. Yet here you are, sitting in the near empty living room of a guy you barely know, surrounded by a handful of survivors, one of which is your best friend Millie who is the only reason you're sitting here at 4am on a Saturday morning with a bloodstream full of tequila. It's her boyfriend Ash that knows the guy whose party it is, Mikey something, and she had decided about an hour before the party that you just had to come with.
Red plastic cups litter the floor and colourful streamers hang limply from the light fixtures, as if they're also aware that the party has ended and the time for trying is over. Rihanna is playing quietly from the iPod dock on the side, a backing track to the pointless mumblings of the thin group surrounding you. You're sitting on the plush brown couch, feet curled beneath you, watching everyone as they sip at their drinks or, in Millie's case, practically hump their boyfriends. You're coming down from your drunken high and with the lights full blast and the music quiet, you're starting to feel nasty with your sore feet, tiny dress and skin coated with a layer of dry sweat from all the dancing. Your hair is most likely a mess and you have no idea if your makeup has stayed in place but for some reason, none of this matters too much right now.
"Okay, okay...Ashton, truth or dare?" Calum, another one of his friends asks. You know of this group of guys from school. Calum, Michael and Luke were in your year, but you'd never spoken to the first two in your life, hadn't even known their names until tonight. You knew Luke though and almost wished you didn't, but you had tutored him in History for a few weeks last year. A cluster of hours spent simmering in sexual tension, trying to get him to understand exactly what he was going to be asked on the test while restraining yourself from jumping him and snogging his beautiful face off. You never did and once he passed the test the two of you never spoke again, a brief lingering of eye contact and a small nod here and there, but not a single word spoken.
Now he was sitting beside you on the couch, looking as if someone had smacked him over the head with a puberty stick. He'd shot up nearly a foot in the last year, his body leaning out, his hair cut and styled into a blonde quiff and he'd even gone and got his fucking lip pierced, as if you needed that on top of everything. He still hasn't spoken to you yet, not properly, but you've seen him looking at you all night.
"Ashton!" Calum yells, throwing the crust of a slice of dominos he had ordered an hour ago in the direction of your friends. It hits Millie on the back of the head and you can't help but snort with laughter when she whips her head around and gives Calum the evils. Luke's head turns in your direction but you purposely don't look at him.
"What?" Ash groans, wrapping his arms around Millie's waist and kissing her cheek. As sickening as you find them the majority of the time, you had to admit that they are cute together.
Calum rolls his eyes, "Truth or dare?" he speaks slowly, as if to a toddler, and Ash flips him off, making the group chuckle.
"Truth." He answers, and you can tell he's not as drunk as he feels he should be to play this game. You're thankful someone understands your pain.
Calum hums to himself for a moment, unsure of what to ask. He's already been made to do body shots off of Michael, who had been asked to disclose his ultimate sexual fantasy. Which ended up being something as unoriginal as a threesome with two filthy porn stars, as if his eighteen year old self would be able to handle it. Oh, the optimism of teenage boys never failed to keep you amused.
"When was the last time you and Millie got down and dirty with it?" Calum finally asks, smirking as if the question is a lot juicier than it actually is.You wonder when truth or dare became so sexual. You remember when you were twelve and the worst thing you got dared to do was to prank call your mum, now though, you're more likely to be dared to suck someone off.
You laugh again when Millie's face immediately flushes, knowing that it means she's guilty of getting naked with Ash within the last few hours. She may be more than happy to fill you in on her sex life, but admitting it to a group of boys was likely a bit more than she can handle. Ash beams like the cat who got the cream which is probably a rather apt description of what they've been up too. This time when Luke looks at you, there's a small grin on his face. You meet his eyes and let your own smile linger for a few seconds before you look back towards Millie.
Chuckling, Ash waggles his eyebrows, "About three hours about." he nuzzles her neck, making her smile through her blush.
Michael frowns, sitting up straighter, "Better not have been in my room." he huffs, "There's no way you're getting more action in there than I am." That makes you all laugh again and you can't help but slip into a more comfortable state. Memories of early morning conversations and the easiness of the laughter in the room will be carried with you for a long time.
"You'll never know." Ash says, a happy glint to his eye that all the loved-up couples you've witnessed have had. "Luke, truth or dare." he smirks almost scarily now and you notice both Calum and Michael grinning in a way that makes you think you're missing out on an inside joke.
Luke stutters beside you, resting his forearms on his thighs as he stares Ashton out for a second. From the look on his face, he's debating which option would be the worst one and he's struggling to find an answer. He sucks that lip ring into his mouth, worries it between his teeth before he finally speaks.
"Dare." he mutters, his voice soft and unsure. He had always been pretty quiet, even when you'd seen him from afar, the other boys tend to overtake any situation while he likes to observe and comment when he feels it necessary.
The three other boys all look at each other and smirk and Millie shoots you a look of confusion that you understand completely. At Calum's nod, you practically hear Luke gulp nervously and Ashton fixes a raised brow at the two of you on the couch.
"I dare you to play a game of Too Hot with (Y/N)."
You feel heat rising within your chest straight away and your eyes flash accusingly towards Millie, who stares back, wide-eyed and shaking her head. Her innocence is genuine, so you have no idea how Ashton discovered your minor crush on Luke. A silence takes over the room and Luke doesn't turn to look at you, instead he continues to stare at Ash as if he's still waiting to hear what he's been dared to do.
"Come on." Michael urges, slapping his hands on his folded legs.
"I..." Luke splutters, looking around at his mates, no doubt looking for a way out of this. Anger washes over you suddenly. How dare he feel put out by this, you were the one being dragged into a dare that wasn't anything to do with you. Did he seriously think he was too cool to kiss you?
"Why am I being dragged into this?" you ask, frowning. Wanting nothing more than to go home now and curl up under the covers, sleeping till the afternoon and then consuming your weight in cheesy, greasy bliss.
Ash narrows his eyes briefly, "Cause I'm not letting him kiss Millie." he shrugs as if that's an excuse. There were two other people in the room.
"We don't have to." Luke murmurs quietly, eyes towards the floor.
Calum scoffs, "Yes you fucking do." he points at the two of you, "I slurped tequila from Michael's skanky belly button for the sake of this game, the least you two can do is get some sexy lip action."
You grit your teeth, not giving much of a reaction because you didn't want them thinking you care all that much. You had thought of kissing Luke before, of course, but right now you're thinking that you'd rather do something, anything, else. You didn't really want to kiss someone who so obviously didn't want it. The stares the two of you are getting aren't letting up though, so you huff loudly and stand, your bare toes curling in the fluffy carpet as your stomach twists. Luke stares up at you with wide blue eyes, a mixture of expressions dancing across his face. You flick your fingers towards you in a come-hither motion.
"Come on then." you say before smoothing your dress down from where it had bunched and wrinkled. Millie's looking at you with what you're assuming is excitement, her lips pressed into a thin line to keep her smile controlled. You roll your eyes at her and her face takes on a more quizzical manner. She's no doubt wondering why you aren't acting as enthused as you would have last year during your heavy crush days.
Luke blinks slowly, trying to comprehend the situation, but he's quick to stand when you sigh impatiently. "Seriously?" he asks, his brow furrowed low.
"That repulsed, huh?" you mutter under your breath, though by the way his eyes shoot even wider, reminiscent of a Slow Loris, he hears you.
"No...that's no-"
"Let's get this over with." you interrupt. Your palms are a little sweaty and you can hear the ticking of your heartbeat as though the organ is in your head rather than your chest. You're trying to ignore the fact that you're a little nervous, mainly because the thought of liking Luke's kisses is worse than not liking them. Having a brief taste of something delicious only to have it torn from you, never to be on your tongue again, was something akin to torture.
He frowns at your words, stepping up towards you so that your chests are inches apart. He's so much taller than you now you've abandoned your heels and you have to tilt your head back a bit just to see his face. You can see the sudden frustration on it as plain as day and you have to hope he forfeits this game quickly enough. As much as you aren't up for it, you're still too stubborn to let him win. If you have to kiss him, you'll make sure that he'll come away wishing he could spend every day with his mouth against yours.
This close, you sort of feel overwhelmed. Luke is looming over you and you can smell musky cologne masked by alcohol and a hint of smoke. It's a rich aroma that reminds you of dark nights and sleazy bars such a contradiction to the boy it's clinging too. You remember him smelling soft and sweet and you wonder just how much the two of you have grown in this past twelve months. If you smell different to him. Look different...act different.There are so many questions that flit through your mind that you almost forget what you're supposed to be doing.
"Get on with it." Michael huffs, "Remember, first person to touch loses and has to do whatever the other wants." The thought makes you quirk a slow brow and you don't miss the way Luke's cheeks pink at the suggestion behind it. It's a good look for him.
"Go (Y/N)!" Millie cheers as though you're at one of your volleyball games rather than standing in a messy living room getting ready to kiss a hot boy.
You shake your head in amusement, clenching your hands into fists at your sides. Cocking your head at him, you give him an expectant look and let a smirk curve your lips. Using your confidence to dim your temper. Luke licks at his lips, his eyes drifting to your mouth as his friends chant his name. You're not going to make the first move and he knows it, the uncertainty flashing over his face is almost enough to make you give in but by then he's already descending. He's shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and you're thinking up ways to get them out when his mouth seals over your own.
You're not sure what you had imagined or even if you had spent that much time thinking about what his mouth would feel like, but you know that you're surprised by how soft his lips are. They're gentle against your own, hesitant at first until you press into him, melding your mouths together with a little more force. A quiet noise floats from his throat before he pushes back, his lips slotting against yours with determination this time. His piercing is a hard, cold contrast to his warm, velvet mouth and it feels utterly amazing. You want control here, otherwise he'll have the chance to make you forgot what you're doing this for. You kiss him softly, letting your tongue slip against his bottom lip for just a moment. He opens for you instantaneously, as though he wants nothing more, and you get your first true taste of him. Beer is the strongest flavour and a hint of fresh lime but you find it just as intoxicating this way as he must of done in the first place.
Your fists squeeze, nails digging into your palms as you tilt your head further to the side just so you can kiss deeper. You're practically pushing up on your tiptoes, but you don't care so much when his mouth crashes hard against your own and his tongue demands entrance. He licks his way into you, groans thickly when you allow him and you realise that you've moved closer together because you can feel his chest against your breasts each time you inhale. It's almost too much, the urge to reach up and grip his hair is making your fingers twitch, and you know you have to up your game if you want to get him to give in.
He sucks gently on your bottom lip and the tingles it sends through you prompt you to act. You kiss him now, moving your mouth with a firm pressure, kissing him greedily. He returns the desperation, which lets you know you can push it further and so you kiss him hard again, catching his bottom lip between your teeth and tugging gently before letting go.
"Fuck." he grunts against your mouth and you can't help but smirk.
"Ready to give up?" you ask, eyes opening to see that he's looking at you, cheeks flushed and mouth swollen.
He gives a harsh shake of his head, "Not a chance." his voice is gravelly now and the sound of it makes your body pulse needily.
You don't give him another moment, instead you get straight back to kissing, suddenly aware that the room has fallen silent around you. With each kiss you pull your head back a little further, making him chase you for another and the frustrated groan he gives after the third time makes you grin again. You slow it down completely, brushing your lips tantalizingly against his mouth, not even kissing him. He tries for more, follows your movements in an attempt to fasten his mouth on yours again but you're quicker and he doesn't get hold of you. The rustle of fabric makes your ears prick as your own hands dig painfully into your thighs. You give him the softest kiss you can manage and then pull your head right away from him, practically taking a step back from his body.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he snaps, one hand grasping your wrist to yank you up against him, the other cupping the back of your head as he plants his mouth on yours again and proceeds to make your knees weak with the most demanding kiss you've ever received.
Knowing you've won, you fist your hands in his stupid, goddamn plaid shirt and pull him even tighter against you. You can't pretend you've not been affected; not with the way your breathing has picked up and your chest and cheeks have pinked. Your heart is beating a frenzied rhythm beneath your ribs still and you just don't want to stop. Not now. Not ever.
You flatten your hands against his stomach and push him away. He goes easily this time, takes one small step back so that you're both still firmly within each others personal space. He looks down at you with hooded eyes that tell you a million things at once. The main thing being that he's just as affected by this as you are.
"Jesus Christ!" Millie is the first to break the silence, her gentle voice startling you even though it's contained and quiet. You cast your eyes around the room, embarrassment rising within you as you realise that they've been watching the entire time. Their mouths open in shock, their own bodies tight with involuntary arousal.
"I'm not sure you should stop, to be honest." Calum groans, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes with his fingers. "I'm so conflicted right now."
Michael clears his throat, nodding in agreement, "You two look hot together."
Your gaze meets Luke's and he raises both brows, running his teeth over his bottom lip, careful of that piercing. You're not sure of what to say, so you just plant a cocky grin on your face.
"I think the most important thing to remember is that I won." you say, shrugging nonchalantly.
The look Luke gives you is one that you've never imagined on his face before. It's a dark lust riddled with secret promises of possibly all the dirtiest things you could ever want. Its unadulterated and seems so out of place on his boyish, beautiful face, like a mask he's donned. It sends a violent shiver through your body, straight to that place between your thighs and you can almost feel the rush of wetness that leaks from you.
He smiles, one side of his mouth lifting before the other, "Well, what is it that you want me to do?" the suggestion is written in his tone. You can have whatever you want from him right now and that almost freaks you out. You want him, both your body and your mind know that, but for some reason you still can't bring yourself to admit it and you're not even sure why.
You shrug again, this time even more casual than the last. "I'll let you know." you give a fake smile that you hope will pass. His eyes narrow marginally and his jaw tightens for a millisecond before he nods, gives you a tight grin and flicks a look towards the others.
"Be right back." he smiles wider at them before he turns and towards towards the stairs, heading up.
You collapse on the couch, the air escaping your lungs in a loud whoosh. Your lips are sore and your muscles already ache though you're not sure why. What hurts most of all is your brain, the war between mind and body taking its toll and giving you a headache.
"(Y/N)" Your name is a pathetic whine from Millie's mouth, "What are you doing?"
"You should be doing something." Ashton grins lopsidedly. "Like following Luke upstairs and getting laid."
"Not in my bedroom." Michael grumbles, pouting.
You blow out another breath, running your fingers through your hair, "I...I shouldn't." you look towards the doorway that Luke had gone through and wonder what exactly he's doing upstairs.
"You've had a crush on him for ages." Millie's looking at you as though you're crazy but you're not entirely sure whether following Luke is a good idea. Sure you wouldn't mind getting naked with him, you're kind of craving it actually, especially after those kisses, but would doing it so soon be a mistake?
"Are you fucking serious?" Calum scoffs, "Luke's been mooning over you since you tutored him last year." he rolls his eyes hard, "All of this work even though the two of you like each other anyway."
You frown, "Huh?" you mutter stupidly, trying to comprehend what he's saying.
Millie gapes, sending a glare towards Ash and hitting him on the arm with the back of her hand, "You didn't tell me he liked her. This could have been so much easier."
"It was a secret!" he exclaims,shoving his shoulders up to his ears, "You didn't tell me (Y/N) liked Luke. We were just being bros and trying to get him the girl, he had no idea."
You drop your face into your hands, shaking your head. "Are you fucking serious?" you sigh, "He's liked me since the tutoring? Why didn't he say?"
"He's shy." Michael answers, "And he thinks you're the hottest thing to walk the earth. Seriously, he always goes on about you, it got too much for us." Both Ashton and Calum are nodding in agreement and your mind fogs with confusion.
"Oh fuck this." You growl, jumping up and heading out of the room to the music of their whooping cat calls.
If they are being serious and Luke actually likes you, there is no way you are going to wait around for him to say something, look where it had gotten you so far.
You take the stairs two at a time and it doesn't take long to figure that he's in the bathroom, since it's the only door up here that's closed; Mikey's parents are away, hence the party. Stepping up to the door, you raise your hand to knock your knuckles against the wood, pausing just before they touch as a low groan from the other side reaches your ears. You take a breath, trying to calm yourself as your mind runs wild. Another groan, this one slightly louder and you're itching to try the handle, just to see if it's unlocked.
The sound of your name in Luke's husky, lust loaded voice is the end of your self control and you have to have him right now. You don't force your way in though, you don't want to make him uncomfortable.
"Luke." You call loudly, so he understands that you want his attention. You bang your fist against the door too, just in case.
"Fuck." You hear muttered, "Hang on!"
There is rustling and the sound of the taps running before the handle jiggles and Luke yanks the door open, trying to look innocent. You barge in, pushing him backwards before you kick the door shut, not even bothering to lock it since you're sure everyone downstairs is well aware of what you're going to get up to. The surprise on Luke's face as you shove him against the wall is almost enough to make you chuckle, but instead you lunge forward and slam your lips together.
His hands are in your hair, gripping tightly as he presses into you with fervour, his mouth greedy in an attempt to render you thoughtless. He spins you both around so that your back is against the wall, keeps his head dipped so that your mouths don't detach. These kisses are wild and the room feels like a furnace, your skin practically sizzling as sweat beads on the back of your neck. There are noises that can't even be described escaping both of you, rumbling from your throats, answering each other in some kind of subconscious, sexually fuelled call-and-response.
His body is tight against yours and the hardness grinding into your lower belly makes your fingers clasp tighter behind his neck, your body sparking with hidden arousal to match his. You need him naked now. You push him away harshly, making him stumble back and give you a confused look, but when you grip the bottom of your dress and yank it up over your head, letting it fall from your grip to the tiled floor, his mouth splits into a grin and his fingers quickly tear at the buttons of his shirt.
"You're so fucking hot." he mutters as he shoves the flannel off of his broad shoulders. His eyes are stuck firmly on you, drifting down the length of your figure, lingering in the areas covered with white lace as he finally gets his shirt off. His chest is broad and pale, his nipples small pink discs, and his flat stomach tapers off into narrow hips. In his rush to open the door, he hadn't buttoned his jeans and the zipper is strained as his dick tries to break free. He shoves the zip down and breathes a sigh of relief before he peels those skinny jeans down his legs, a lot more smoothly than you'd imagined by how tight they look. Standing in front of you in tented boxers, you're suddenly so thankful that you came upstairs, even more so when he stalks towards you, grabs you by the waist and tugs you towards him.
"Not so bad yourself." You mutter as his mouth roams your neck, littering kisses and giving gentle sucks to those areas that make you shiver. He chuckles against your skin, one large hand slipping behind you, down over your arse and grasping the flesh peaking out from under your cheekies.
You don't waste time. You slide your hand down the plane of his abs and under the waistband of his boxers, curling your fingers around the root of his cock. He hisses against your throat, his teeth biting down as his hips thrust forward. You stroke him once, gasping as he bites down on the crook of your neck, this time harder. He feels good in your hand, solid and a little wet at the tip from his play before you came up. You move to drop to your knees but his arm folds around your waist and doesn't allow you.
"No." he pulls his head back, looking down at you, "Take those off." he nods towards your underwear, "I want to see you bare."
You've never rushed to get naked as quickly as you do now. Your bra straps slip down your arms, the cups following quickly before the material drops with a dull thud. Luke groans, one hand moving to run through his hair, clutching at the blonde locks as you wiggle your underwear down your legs and stand up straight.
"Fuck." he gasps, his hand dropping to palm himself for a second before he shoves his boxers down his long legs, his cock bouncing in the air when he steps out of them, flush a dark red at the tip. He moves towards you again, hands on your shoulders as he turns you, "Get on the counter." he commands, pushing you back towards it.
You do as he says, jumping up beside the sink, the surface cold against your skin. Luke watches your tits bounce with interest, his hands lifting to cup them as soon as you're seated. You try to think of something to say, but nothing rushes to the tip of your tongue as he touches you, as if you're incapable of anything other than enjoying his hands on you body.
"God, you're beautiful." he grunts as his hands squeeze, drawing a rough moan from you. His lips find your shoulder as he presses close, dancing over your skin and across your collarbone, sucking purple marks onto your flesh. "I can't fucking wait to be inside of you." he says as he tugs at your pebbled nipples, rolling them between his fingers. "I'm gonna fuck you so good, babe. You'll never want anyone else ever again."
"I wanna taste." you whine, trying to move your hand between you to grasp him again. He slaps your arm away gently before pushing you back so that your shoulders touch the mirror behind you.
"No touching, I'm too close. Almost came when you shouted my name through the door." his mouth latches onto your right nipple, his fingers still teasing the other, and he sucks hard, almost painfully, and follows with rough flicks of his tongue, sending jolts of pleasure through you. Your core is throbbing, aching for attention, and you're sure you must be dripping onto the counter top by now. You've never felt this wound up or this good and you know you can't wait much longer.
Your hands find his face and try to guide him back up to your mouth but he grumbles around your nipple, catches both your wrists in his hands and clasps them behind your back.
"Stop moving." he huffs, "I have so many things I want to do to you."
You can't stop the whimper that leaves you. "Please, Luke...I need you now." you tilt towards him, but his hold on you keeps you from moving far. One of his hands keeps your wrists together as the other comes around and slaps your thigh.
"Feet up, legs apart." he says, "I want to see how much you want me."
You draw your legs up, planting your feet against the edge of the counter and letting your knees fall wide in opposite directions. Luke's blue eyes, dark with longing, drop to your pussy and you see his jaw tighten just as the fingers around your wrists do.
"Jesus fucking Christ." his free hand kneads your inner thigh, slipping closer and closer to where you want it. "You're soaked. You want me that much, huh?" he arches a brow, his chest heaving with excited breaths. You nod vehemently, your head bumping back against the mirror each time. "Tell me, (Y/N)." he urges, leaning over you to kiss your mouth again.
"I want you so much." You moan as his hand moves close enough for you to feel the ghost of it sliding over your wet lips. "Please fuck me Luke."
He smiles widely, genuinely, "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear you say that." he admits, leaning back to look down at you again.
"Wanna bet?" you ask before his fingers stroke up the length of your slit, rubbing firmly through your folds and coating themselves with your juices. He flashes you a look of query before it quickly disappears.
"So wet for me." he mumbles under his breath, as if talking to himself. He lifts his fingers to show you, ignoring your pathetic whimper at the loss. His digits are shiny before he slips them in his mouth and you can't contain the all over shudder of bliss that flows through your body. He moans, slides them out and puts them back where they belong, circling your clit and teasing your entrance. "I want you on my tongue, you taste so good. Definitely need you to ride my face some time soon."
He pulls your butt closer to the edge and sinks to his knees, still keeping you restrained with one hand. His hot breath floats over your sensitive clit, drawing a groan from you as your chin drops to your chest. He smirks up at you as he leans in, presses the tip of his tongue to the spot just below your entrance and gives a firm, flat lick all the way up to your clit. Your chest tightens and your mouth parts in a silent gasp as he closes his eyes and moans as if he's just tasted the nectar of the gods.
"God." you breathe as he does it again, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as his tongue moves faster against you, delivering teasing flicks to your clit each time it passes. Your back arches and you're trying to push further into him without falling off of the counter.
"You need more, baby?" he asks, sweeping his tongue from side to side against the skin just under that button of nerves, not quite close enough to feel amazing but so fucking close that you just want to scream.
"Yes...yes, yes." you swallow thickly as he focuses on your clit, closing his lips around it and tugging softly before giving it a few firm flicks that make your muscles clench and twitch. "Shit."
He sucks, then pulls off and you try to pull your hands apart so that you can grip his hair and hold his face against you but his hold doesn't budge. "That feel good?" he asks, waiting for a reply but this time a frantic nod and a quiet whine from you is enough and he dives back in, sucking on your lips and wiggling his tongue along the delicate path of your slit. "Your pussy is fucking delicious." he says against your skin his words carrying through you, making your legs jolt.
"Fuck me." you plead as he laps at your juices, his tongue pressing against the dip of your entrance for more. "Luke I want your cock."
"More." he purrs and the look of such cocky confidence on his face is so fucking sexy that you'll happily beg as much as he wants. Who knew that shy, sweet Hemmings was so demanding behind closed doors.
"Please, Luke, I'm aching for you. I want you to pound me against this counter, make me come hard on your cock." you moan and he freezes between your thighs, staring up at with with wide eyes.
"Fuck it." he grunts, standing and letting go of your hands. He pulls you off of the counter, your legs wobbling as they take your weight again but he supports you so you don't fall. His mouth is over yours, branding the taste of you to your tongue as his hands roam your body, seemingly everywhere at once. "Turn around." he twists your hips and you go with it, facing the mirror with your hands spanned against the counter top. His mouth nibbles at your neck again as one of his hands sneaks around your hip and between your thighs, just resting there. You feel his cock slip into the gap between your legs, the hot ridge of it slides against your pussy. "Fuck... I don't have a condom." he spits.
You groan in frustration, annoyed at yourself for not thinking of it sooner. You'd never do it normally, but you're way too worked up to stop now. Throwing a look over your shoulder, you say, "I'm on the pill and I'm clean."
"Me too." he rushes, brushing the head of his dick against you again, wetting it with your arousal. "The clean part, not the pill part." he adds, making you choke on a rush of laughter.
You wiggle your arse back against him, "Fuck me now." you try and say it with strength but it just sounds like the desperate plea it is.
"My pleasure." he mutters and you almost roll your eyes but he slaps his dick against your pussy and all you can do is hold your breath while you wait.
He draws backwards as you arch your back, tilting your hips up to make it easier for him. The tip of his cock nudges your entrance and his fingertips slide down his length to press himself into you. It's slow and gentle but god the sudden stretch makes you ache even more. You mutter curse words as you sink down his shaft, opening yourself up on him in a way that makes your breathing shaky and your cheeks turn a bright red. You lift your head to look in the mirror, Luke's already watching you through it, his face scrunched as he fills you up to the base, his balls pressed tightly against you. He's so deep it's as if you can feel him in your throat and for a second you don't want him to move, you want to stay like this forever, but then he gives a tiny thrust and your entire mind explodes with the need for him to move.
"Yes, Luke!" you yelp as he withdraws and plunges forward again. His fingertips dig into your hips as he pulls you back onto him with each thrust, picking up speed by the second until your breasts are bouncing and your hands are slipping on the surface. "Fuck."
"So good..." he growls, pulling almost all the way out before slamming forward hard enough to make you see stars. One hand moves up your sweat slick back and curls around your shoulder for more leverage, his hips pistoning hard. "You feel so fucking good."
Your body is all tingles and bliss and you're short of breath, edging steadily towards your climax as he pounds you, his hips slapping against your arse filling the room with the sound of skin on skin. The moans tearing from the two of you are so loud that it's not going to be hard for the guys downstairs to know what you're getting up to. Not that they were clueless but you're pretty sure they weren't expecting a show of some kind.
"Luke." you cry as his cock rubs against every good spot, making your walls flutter and clench around him. You cry out again as a particularly sweet thrust makes your thighs quiver dangerously.
"You like that?" he asks, the hand on your shoulder moving over to gently cup your throat and guide you up, your back pressed firmly against his damp chest. His fingers stay curled around your neck and you find that more of a turn on than you had imagined you would. You rest your head back against his shoulder and he dips his head to suck on the spot behind your ear. "Answer me." he demands after a second of nothing but needy moans from you.
"Yes! Fuck, I love it." His hips are wedged against your arse now, so his thrusts are shallower but from the way your pussy is pulsing around him, it's not going to matter. You reach one arm up to grasp his hair, tugging the soft locks as the other hand rests against his thigh.
"You gonna come?" His free hand slides down your stomach and between your thighs, two fingers stroking circles against your throbbing clit.
Your legs shake again, your whole body tightening, "Yes, fuck Luke...I'm coming, fuck." Your pussy locks down on him, clenching around his cock as your orgasm fires off.
"Shit!" he snaps in your ear, his mouth biting down on your neck. His hips jolt and he groans, the contractions of your climax obviously feeling incredibly good to him. He lasts a few more sloppy thrusts, the hand on your throat tightening ever so slightly as he spills inside of you with a grunt.
You're still fluttering around him as he fills you with his warm come, the flood of liquid feeling unfamiliar to you but not unpleasant. You're catching your breath when his hand drops from your throat and he places a gentle kiss to your skin there. He holds you for a few moments, arms wrapped around your waist as he softens inside of you and the two of you don't talk as you enjoy your afterglow. This is definitely something you can do over and over again. Jesus, if this was the start, you hope you get to discover everything else he can do.
"Alright?" he whispers against your shoulder.
You nod, "Yeah." a smile graces your lips as he slips out of you gently, a hand on your wrist so that he can turn you around. He's smiling too, wide enough to crinkle the corners of his beautiful eyes. A soft laugh bursts from your lips and he leans in to swallow it, kissing you again before he rests his forehead against yours, meeting your gaze.
"That was something else." he beams, "Something I want to do again and again."
"Me too." you sigh happily, the endorphins swimming around your body making you feel on top of the world. "We could have been doing this ages ago, y'know."
"I feel like an idiot. Don't tell me you've like me since last year."
"Okay, I won't tell you then." you intertwine your fingers, turn his wrist to see his watch and wonder how the hell you can be this awake at 5:30 am. You don't even want to sleep now, you want to just bask in the relaxation of your orgasm and your happy soul.
Luke kisses one cheek, then the other, the tip of your nose and then finally your mouth again. Sweet little pecks that make you feel all squirmy inside. "We should get dressed."
The distant sound of clapping reaches your ears at the same time and your both look towards the door that is muffling the cheers, whistles and applause of your friends. You both groan simultaneously before laughing.
"Yes we should." you agree, moving away to grab for your underwear.
Luke watches you, smirking as he collects his boxers, "Are you tired?"
"Kind of, but not enough to sleep."
"Fancy going to Nancy's for a milkshake and fries?"
You stare at him, narrowing your eyes as you wonder how he could be so perfect. He's trying to get his jeans on, the thin layer of sweat on his legs making it difficult, he's hopping around on one foot, almost stumbling. The sight of it makes you chuckle again, shaking your head slowly and there is only one answer that he's going to get.
"I'd love that."

5 seconds of summer imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now