Jealous- L.H

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The club wasn't really your idea of the ideal first date, but here you were sitting at a grimey booth in some bar you'd never been to across from your date Nate. Or was it Nick? You were shocked you couldn't remember seeing as he hadn't talked about anything, but himself all night long. You let out a snort while you twirled your straw in your empty drink, listening to the clinking ice instead of whatever what was coming out of his mouth.
"What was that?" He asked, raising his brows at you.
"Hmm? Oh, nothing," You said plastering a fake smile on your face. He didn't pause for long, continuing on with his story. He was going on and on about one time he evidently single handedly saved his entire country club from burning down. Sounded to you more like he dialed 911 then high tailed his ass out of the building leaving others inside, but hell looks like you had a hero on your hands. Your eyes were focused on your empty drink, his voice becoming background noise as you focused on the music playing throughout the club. No more blind dates, you decided. No matter how much your friends pester you never again would you agree to meet their coworkers best friends brother who, "is a real catch and would be perfect for you." Your friends were concerned you weren't moving on from your hook up? Boyfriend? Friend with benefits? I guess that label was the reason whatever it was was no more. You told them you were over Luke. It wasn't a big deal you guys weren't doing whatever you had been doing anymore. You didn't miss the way he would kiss you right underneath of your jaw while he whispered dirty things in your ear. Or how he would trace shapes on your back while you two laid in bed together. Or how he used to sing to you softly as you were drifting off to sleep. Or how he'd intertwine your fingers while he drove, keeping your locked hands on his side of the car placed on his thigh. Nope you didn't miss it. You were totally over it, but they, of course, didn't believe you hence the reason you were out on this Saturday night listening to this man brag about all his accomplishments instead of in bed watching Dexter.
"I'm going to get another drink," You said abruptly interrupting Nate or Nick.
"Oh, that reminds me of the time I was on a vacation, was mistaken for a bartender and ended up meeting the governor of Guam! I've got to tell you about it," He said making big gestures with his hands.
"Okay, I'll be back," You rushed making a quick escape from the table before he launched into his next self praising story. You much preferred moving through the sweaty throngs of people in the club then sitting at that booth feeling trapped. When you finally reached the bar you plopped yourself onto one of the worn out stools. You leaned forward, getting the attention of a bartender, "Hey, can I get a-"
"She wants a gin and tonic, lots of ice," a familiar voice interrupted you. Chills ran up your spine, you immediately recognized who it was. You spun around in your chair facing Luke, a little bit pissed he blew you off then thought it was okay to come in here and start dictating your drink orders.
"Maybe, I don't want a gin and tonic," You said feigning annoyance.
"Baby, you always get a gin and tonic. You're trying to tell me in the three weeks I haven't seen you that fact suddenly changed?" You let out a hmph instead of responding because you knew he was right. He leaned forward placed both hands on the bar on either side of you, trapping you in. His face inched closer and closer to yours, he brought his lips, painfully slow, to that spot on your jaw you loved so much and placed a light kiss there. Letting his head linger he whispered in your ear, "You look sooo good, baby girl. Absolutely mouthwatering." You almost let out a small moan from the feeling of his chest pressed against yours and his velvety voice in your ear, but you controlled yourself. Putting your hands on his chest you attempted to push him away.
"I'm here with someone, Luke."
"What polo shirt over there?" He said moving away from you, sitting down in the stool beside you, letting his jean clad knees knock into yours.
"Matter a fact, yes," You said turning back to face the bar.
"Oh please," He scoffed. Luke knew Nate didn't even compare to him.
"Nate is very lovely and is interested in me. I know that may come as a shock to you," You said not looking back at him.
"I am not at all shocked he is interested in you. Just means he has good taste in women, but I know for a damn fact he can't please you like I can baby girl. Mentally or physically. You can't play me, I was watching you over there with him. You were more interested in your empty glass than you were with whatever bozo was saying" He said bumping your knee again.
"His name is Nate," you huffed, hoping you were right. "Wait did I just hear that you were watching me talk to him?" You asked turning back to him with sly smile. His eyes went wide realizing what he had revealed to you. Then he shrugged.
"Yeah, I have, so what."
"Don't try to deflect this, Luke. You're jealous," You said with a smirk on your face.
"Maybe I am jealous, but that's because you're mine baby girl. For me to kiss, touch, and please. Not for anyone else. Especially not polo shirt," He said.
"Well, that's unfortunate because polo sh-Nate is the only person who is going to be doing any of that," You said grabbing your forgotten drink from the bar counter and getting up. There was no way you were actually going to let Nate do any of those things, but Luke didn't need to know that. "You lost the right to do any of that when you broke things off...and I'm not your baby girl."
Luke jumped up, trying to grab your arm to stop you, but you made your way into the crowd of people before he got to you. You made your way back to Nate sitting in the booth, you internally groaned not wanting to listen to whatever ridiculous story he was waiting to tell you. You reluctantly slid back into your booth setting your drink down on the table.
"Wow you are finally back! I was about to send a rescue team for you," You gave him a small smile in response to his failed joke. You were already missing Luke's touch.
"So where was I? Oh, thats right! Guam!" He began to tell his next story and you immediately zoned out. All your brain was thinking about was Luke. His name was like a mantra in your head, just chanted over and over again. You mentally cursed him. How dare he affect you like this. He was like a drug. So intoxicating and you were addicted. Nates ringtone pulled you out our your thoughts. He quickly answered it.
"Hello...Someone did what to my house?...Toliet paper is where?..No, no. I'm on my way right now," You couldn't help but let out a snort at the fact that someone tped his house. Who even did that anymore? It really didn't matter because you were mentally thanking whatever reckless teenagers got you out of this miserable date.
"I am so sorry. I have got to go. I'll contact you, we can go out another time okay?" He said quickly making his way out of the booth. He left you sitting there alone at the table without another word. You sat there for a minute giggling at the whole situation. You were so ready to go home and crawl into bed. As you reached for your purse you heard that voice behind you for the second time that night.
"Man am I glad he's gone....Bummer about his house, can't imagine how that happened," Luke said with a smirk.
"Lucas you did not actually get someone to tp his house for you"
"Of course I didn't, but you'd be surprised what people believe from a guy who claims to be an official," He said with a laugh.
"How did you even-"
"Apparently Michael knows polo shirts cousin or whatever. Got his number from him...Anyway that doesn't matter. What matters now is we can be alone together," He said
"Actually, I was just leaving, but it was great to see you," You said getting up from the table, but he grabbed onto your hand pulling you to him.
"Come on baby girl. We belong together. You don't know how seeing you with him made me feel. Thinking about him touching you and kissing you in ways only I should ever do. God, it made me sick," He explained gazing at you with those crystal blue eyes.
"Luke, you are the one who ended things. You stopped contacting me, not the other way around," You said not making any effort to pull away, loving how you felt in his arms.
"I know, I know and I regret doing that. It was one of the dumbest decisions I ever made and seeing you with polo shirt made me realize that," He said.
"Great, so you only want me because someone else has me now," You replied rolling your eyes getting ready to move away from him and walk out.
"No, no! Let me explain. Before I thought I was hot shit, too badass for the feelings I had for you. Those feelings that were so intense. Feelings that made me want to give you the entire world on a silver platter if that's what you wanted. Feelings that made me not care what I did with the rest of my life as long as I was with you. Feelings that made me want to bite the head off any guy who even looked in your direction. I had never been like that over anyone, it freaked me out. So I bolted, but my feelings are still the same. I want you so bad baby girl," He said lifting a hand up to your face stroking his thumb down your cheek.
"Too little too late, Luke. My heart is very much in the hands of Nate now," You lied, wanting to prolong his torture just a little bit. Punishment for ever breaking up with you in the first place. He bent his head down to you and started to work slow kisses up your jaw making his way to your ear, you hummed with pleasure.
"Please, baby girl. Polo shirt could never compete with me," He said catching your earlobe between his teeth and giving it a little tug. "And his name was Nick you little shit."
You couldn't help, but let out a loud laugh at that bit information. You pulled back to look him in the eyes.
"It was not," You said trying to suppress your laughter.
"It was, but it doesn't matter now because the only name you are gonna be screaming tonight is mine," He said with that shit eating grin.
"Oh, really?" You said in a teasing tone with a slight quirk of your eyebrow.
"Absolutely, baby girl," He said finally catching your mouth with his. You moaned into his mouth, grateful for the contact. You were his baby girl and man, were you thrilled to hear him call you that again. This was the best end to any blind date you could have ever asked for.

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