I hate you(pt.1)

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Requested by: rainbowland75
    "god Richie you suck major ass!"
"Would you shut the hell up! Don't you have a joint to be smoking or something?" (Y/n) rolled her eyes and pushes Richie from the street fighter machine and took over emediantly beating his high score. "Ha! See that? that score is bigger than your Wang!" Richie smirked.
"Only you would know that."
"Shut the fuck up!" She flipped him off while still staring at the screen.
  "Boom take that trash mouth!"
"God your so annoying." They both walked out if the arcade and hopped on there bikes ridding to the quarry.
  "What took you two so long?" Eddie asked turning to them when they arrived.
"Sorry I got side tracked totally owning this loser at street fighter!"
(Y/n) yelled proudly as the threw her bike down. Joining the rest of the losers on the edge of the cliff resting her elbow on bevs shoulder.
  "Y-yo-you beat Richie's h-high score?"
"Damn right I did." She winked and finger gunned at bill.
  "Yea yea who's going first?" Richie asked annoyed.
   (Y/n) snuck up behind Richie pushing him off first. He landed in the water with a large splash there was a moment before anything happened then he surfaced. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Everyone broke into laughter. Beverly jumped in after that then followed by everyone else. (Y/n) climbed down to the shore still fully clothed and sat on a rock smoking When someone splashed her.
  "Agh you dick!" Richie snickered.
"Come on in (y/n) the waters great!"
  She sighed and pulled her shirt off and kicked off her shoes leaving her shorts on and jumped in.

Richie climbed onto eddies shoulder "chicken fight!" Bev climbed onto of bills shoulders and (y/n) onto Stan's shoulders. Beverly got knocked down first. (Y/n) and Richie battled it out and when she was about to fall she pushed him. "Yay!" Her and Stan both shouted and high fived. (Y/n) rested her head into of Stan's and looked down and Richie. "Today is not a winning day for you huh rich?" She smirked. Under the water Richie grabbed Stan's leg and pulled on it causing you both to fall.
"Son of a bitch Richie!" Stan splashed him once he came up. "W-w-where's (y/n)?"
   "Shit Richie you killed her!" Eddie looked around frantically.
   Suddenly Richie was pulled under the water. And (y/n) head appeared above the water.then followed by Richie's head After a few minutes.
   "Your dead to me!" He pointed at her as she swam twords the others.
  They all sat in what was visible of sun drying off after wards. "Alright losers I'm going home looks like its going to rain any ways." she buttoned up her shirt and started walking off.
  "W-w-wait u-up (y/n)." Bill got up and started walking with her.
   "B-bye guys." They all waved to the two and continued to carry out there conversation.

   "Bye bill see ya tomorrow!" Bill smiled and ran up the steps to the porch and disappeared inside and she continued to walk. And ended walking in the rain  cursing her self from icing so much farther away. Suddenly the rain stopped hitting her.
And she looked at the person who was holding an umbrella over her head.
  "God I knew you where stupid but not this stupid."
"Really? I'm not the one still standing in the rain." She pulled the sleve of his shirt and pulled him under the umbrella.
  "God I hate you..." She mumbled
"Your affections Are returned." He smirked.
She looked at him and stopped walking.
She pulled his glasses of and cleaned them of the water droplets and put them back on his face.
"Whatever." The continued to walk to her house. "Well see ya!"
  "Well ur hey why don't you come in and dry off for a bit?"
   "Are you being nice to me?"
"Where you not being nice to me with your umbrella and what not?"

They both sat in her window wrapped in towles she was surprisingly laughing at a joke Richie had told.
  "Oh my gosh  your such a dork!" She snorted. "What was that!? Did you just snort!?" Richie almost fell to the ground because he was laughing so hard. And since that day the loser club started to notice something different between the two.
   "I'm telling you guys they have a thing for each other!" Beverly said to the others while (y/n) and Richie where off getting ice cream.
"I-I-if they d-d-d-do have feelings for each other t-they won't admit I-it."
  "There has to be a way to get them to admit it." Ben chimed in.everyone went quite while trying to think of something.
    "I got it!" Everyone huddled around Beverly.
  "What the hell are you girls talking about?" Everyone pulled away from each other and looked at Richie and (y/n).
"W-w-where's the I-I-I-ice cream?"
   "Richie got us kicked out." (Y/n) sat next to Eddie and Richie sat across from her. "Now what."
"Bill was just telling us that his mom makes some great Popsicle maybe we could go over there?" Mike suggested.
"Sounds great!"

Every one arrived at bills house. Beverly nudged Eddie when everyone was inside.
  "Hey (y/n) I wanna show you something." Bev got her attention and (y/n)followed her down a hall Eddie following close behind. And they stopped infront of a wall filled with pictures."wow this is great." She said sarcastically. Bev rolled her eyes and went to move away but tripped over (y/n) knocking her into a closet behind her.and Eddie shut the door.
   "What to hell!? Guys let me out."
"Uhh sorry (y/n) you'll thank us later." Eddie yelled  and she heard him run off.
   "Guys! Guys!"she pounded on the door and soon it opened and they threw Richie in and he fell onto of her.
   "Hey assholes what's going on!?"
"Y-y-y-yo-you aren't allowed o-out until y-y-you confess your f-feelings for each other."
   "What he'll do you mean feelings for each other!?" (Y/n) yelled climbing over richie.
   She old heard everyone walk away from to closet.

Richie sat up behind her.the closet was dark but the afternoon light from inside of the house shone under the door.
"So what? I think your a pretty cool person that's how I feel about you."
    "Same! OK guys you can let us out now!"
    "T-th-that's not w-w-w-what we mean." (Y/n) groaned.
   "W-what do they mean then?"there was a hint of nervousness in his Voice.
(Y/n) moved to lean against the door and face him.
   "I was hoping you would know .
Are you hiding something from me?"
   "Wh-what no that's stupid."
"Your stuttering." She smirked.
    "No I'm not."
"Would you just tell me? Then we can get out of here! I don't plan on spe-"
  She was cut off when Richie leaned forward and kissed her.


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