Nervous ticks (Stan x reader)

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A/n: This was based of an imagin thing i saw and I  wanted to do it but it's
"Imagin of the reader tucks her hair behind her ears when she's nervous or around there crush."
   Stan walked along side his friends as they argued about some girl.
   "Would you shut up Richie! (y/n) doesn't like you she likes stan!"  Stan turned to Beverly with a suprised and confused look.
  "(y/n) likes me!?"
"Yea...isn't it obvious?"
he just shook his head and Beverly gigled.
  "Is it obvious to everyone else!?"
"Y-y-yea i-it is." everyone nodded.
   "Hey guys!" everyone turned there attention to (y/n) biking twords them.
  Stans face turned a light pink when he saw her.
"And It seems the feelings are returned." Bev whispered.
"What!?" Stan turned to (y/n) who stood in front of him with a chiper smile.
"N-nothing h-hey." he smiled at her.
  "Hey (y/n) Stan wasn't with us yesterday you should show him the awsome bird watching spot we found." Bev chimmed in.
  "Oh yea dose anyone else wa-"
Every one spoke at once and came up with an excuse why they couldn't go.
    "Ok ok God damn."
She turned to stan. "well uh lets go!" he nodded and followed her then looked back at them and mouthed.
  "Your all dead to me."
Bill mouthed an "your welcome."

  "So y-y-you found a bird watching spot?" she nodded rubing her arm and hanging her head low so he wouldn't see.
"I-i-is-" he cleared his throat to stop from stuttering.
  "Yea it's geourges." she said. She tucked Her hair behind her ears and repeded to do that every few minutes. "Why do you keep doing that?"
   "D-doing what? I'm not doing anything." Stan chuckled.
"That thing with your hair."
"Oh it's just a nervous habbit I do it when I'm nervous or flustered." he smiled. "I'll stop if it's bugging you."
"No it's kinda cute." pink dusted over her face and she did it again.
   Then he stopped and looked at her.
"Oh my God."
She looked at him worriedly.
   "Its like me!"
She tucked Her hair again.
  "Pft no I don't I what would make you-"
She stopped when lips hit hers.
Her eyes widened then slowly shut and she kissed back.
   "I'm so stupid for not noticing it sooner."
  She bit her lip and smiled.
"Thank God for creating you with such an adorable nervous tick."

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