stutters and The good witch (Bill x reader)

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"Honestly Bill everyone else has a hobby or club why can't you just give it a shot?" Bill looked over at his friend (y/n) shook his head and continued walking. She walked in front of him and took his hands. "Please? For me?"
"D-d-don't y-you da-dare." (y/n) pulled a puppy dog face on him.
"(y-y/n) I'm seriou-us." she continued to do it but her eyes and pout got bigger and more intense.
"Ugh why nooot!?"
  "B-be-b-because I can't s-speack no-nor-normal let a-alone song."
" so? Please you'll be amazing and I need a friend." he sighed and looked at her. He knew her she was presistant especially when it came to something like this. "F-fi-"
"Eek! Thank you so much I love you!" she sling her arms around his neck and hugged him. "I'm expecting to see you there after school stutters!" he rolled his eyes and nodded but couldn't help but smile at her.
She gave another happy squeal and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I gotta get to class!" she waved and raced to her class leaving him dazed in the hall. He put a hand on his cheek and grinned.
  "Hey there grinny what's up?"Annora q Richie came up beside him.
   "Oh yea? What where you and hottie Magee talking about?"
  "D-dont call her t-t-that.and s-sh-she a-as-asked m-me to b-be in the p-p-pl-play with h- her." 
Richie smirked.
  "Will there be kissing?"
"I d-d-d-du-dunno I g-guess."
   "Oooohh you sly dog!"
Bill's face redened.
  "N-n-no!" the bell rang and richie ran away laughing.

(y/n) waited pastianly outside the auditorium for Bill. Finally she spotted him.
  "There you are! Come on!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the aditourum.
  "Mr.Rayis! This is my friend bi-"
"Bill Yes I'm aware of who he is nice to finally meet you young man." Bill smiled.
"So I was wondering if he could play fiyero since we don't have anyone?"  Mr.Rayis looked at him "I don't see why not."
  She smiled and hugged Bill's arm.
"Thank you! I'll show him around."  she pulled him back stage and showed him everything.
"And this is your costume." she held it up to his body and looked at him admiringly.
   "W-w-w-who are yo-you pl-p-playing?"
   "Elphaba! Or the wicked witch." "y-your t-to sweet t-t-to b-be wi-wicked." she smiled and grabbed her own outfit off the rack.
"Thanks.scripts are over there and you can change in there." she took her dress and disapered behind a Curtin and started to change.
Bill's face turned dark red when He saw her shadow.
  "Hey st-stu-sutters stop perving on (y/n)" He turned and saw gerta in a big blue dress and blond wig.
  "I-i-i was-s-snt!" she rolled her eyes and pushed him down when she passed him.
  "You don't even belong here! Loser." (y/n) appeared from behind the Curtin in a full black dress.
  "If anyone doesn't belong here it's here it's her." she helped him up. "She's a spot light whore."
Bill laughed.
  "Now go change!"

After they practiced a few main parts and Bill got picked on for stuttering over a few of his lines he sat in the front row and watched (y/n) practice her songs.
  "She's great isn't she?"
Bill looked over at the drama teacher.
"She's our star! And you did great today she's been talking about you non stop."
"Oh yea she absoultly adores you. Your pretty lucky to have a girl like her." Bill smiled and looked at her.
"Alrightly that's all for now! But Bill (y/n) stay I want to work on your song together."  the both nodded and waited for everyone to leave and changed out of there costumes.

"Ok so I need you two to embrace each other like you where about to lose them." Bill raped his arms around (y/n).
"Uh-oh! K-kiss me to f-fearcly."
   "(y/n) Are you alright with this?"
   "Yea sorry I'll start over."
They both sang there lines perfectly then Bill kissed her.
(y/n) being a theater kid had acted out kisses and knew the difference between those and this.this was real his lips where actually on hers and he was kissing gently. She eased up and kissed back and followed his lips when he pulled away.
   "W-w-what is i-i-it?" Bill furrowed his brows. It took her a moment to remember she was practicing a play.
She smiled and rested her forhead on his chest.
  "Its just for the first time I feel..." she looked up at him and smirked. "Wicked."  Mr.Rayis stood up and clapped.
  "That was amazing you two made it seem so real! Just wow!" they stood side to side holding eachothers hands.
   "Save that heat for opening night you two.great work!"
They smiled and walked off stage hand in hand.
  When they where out of sight (y/n) turned and kissed him again.
   "See y-y-your n-no-not w-w-wi-wicked."

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