I hate you (pt.2)

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"Hey are you two ok in there?"
Beverly jiggled the door open Richie pulled back from kissing (y/n) and she fell onto her back when the door swing open.
   "S-shit (y/n)!" Bill and Mike helped her up. "Are you ok?" she dusted herself of and glanced nervously at Richie.
  "I'm-" her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. "I'm fine you know what I just remembered what time it is and I should probably be heading back so imma just go." her eyes never left Richie untill she pushed past everyone and slammed the door shut.
   "What happened!?" everyone turned to Richie who sat in the back of the closet with his hands over his deep red face. "Uh-"

For the next few days they stayed as far away from each as possabale they. If one was doing or buying one thing the other made sure to not do or but the same thing even of they really wanted it. It got to the point where one wouldn't show up to something the losers where doing sometimes they both wouldn't show up in fear of seeing each other.
   "Hey (y/n)! I'm glad I cought you!" all the boys hovered around Beverly as she held the phone close to her ear. "Oh hey bev what's up?"
   "Umm I was thinking we don't ever hang out just you and i..."
  "Bev we just had a sleep over last weekend."
  "Well yea but I guess what I'm trying to say is would you like to go see a movie with me?"  there was a long pause then Beverly smiled.
  "See ya tomorrow! Bye!"  she hung up the phone and turned to the boys with a smile.

My dearest,
I've loved you all summer but was unsure how to tell you so I've kept my distance
I was hoping to meat you today
So I'll be at this given adress
Xoxo your secret admirer.
  Ben handed richie the note.
"All you have to do is put it in her bike spokes before She leaves to meet bev at the movies." 
  "Are you sure this is going to work?" bev and Ben both nodded.

  Bev and Richie both biked to (y/n)s house a few minutes before they where going to leave richie Placed the note in her spokes.
  "Ok go get ready." Richie nodded and started pedaling away.
"Bev!" Beverly turned to the door where (y/n) was skipping down the steps to her bike.
  "Hey (y/n)!"
"So what movie are we going to see!?"  She got to her bike and went to pick it up off the ground but stopped.
"Well I was thinking we could-"
Bev stopped when she noticed (y/n) picking up the note and her brows furrowed. "What's that?"
"It's a note from my secret admire?" a small smile crept up on her face.
"We have to go! Please Bev please!" Beverly shrugged.
  "I dunno what about the movie?"
"Beverly please!" Bev smiled.
"Ok lets go where is it?"

Both of them arrived at the meet up spot which just happened to be richie house.
  "Maybe this is a joke."
She was about to turn around but Beverly stopped her and pushed her up the steps.
"Hey ya never know!"
   "Bev this was clearly some stupid prank Richie pulled on me."
  "You know I don't think it was? Just talk to him." She was almost off the pouch when someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug.she pulled away and looked at Richie. "I-" She was cut off when Richie kissed her sweetly but passionetly. She didn't react or push away and just let it happen. When Richie apologized he hung his head. "I'm sorry I just-"
"I hate you."
   "Wow (y/n) why to ruin the moment."
"No! I love you! but you should have told me sooner dumbass."
  He smiled. "I hate you too."

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