The Soccer Game

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One cold fall day in 2008, Aja had a soccer game at a local park which was located near the Hudson River. She was a member of a soccer club called the Warriors United Soccer Club and was on the U-10 team which was called the Red Super Ninjas. Two of her best friends were on the team with her and she enjoyed that. Their names were Carly and Sami.

Aja would start the game until it started raining. The club called Aja's house and told her family that the game would be delayed until 4pm the same day. Aja was happy that the game wasn't cancelled. Aja's family went to a movie while they waited for the rain to stop. After the movie, they went home and waited for the rain to be over. It was now 3pm and 1 hour until the game. Aja was so excited for the game. She got ready for the game then she wrote in her diary. This is some of what she wrote:

Dear Diary,

I was so excited for the game but then it had to start raining. I was so mad!!!! I really wanted to play the game on time. I was so happy that the game was just delayed. I want for my team to win. I can't wait for the game.

A hour later, it was time for the soccer game. The field was very moist and would be slippery. The players would have to be careful. Aja was a starting forward for the Ninjas. She wore her uniform with pride. The game started then Aja got the ball and passed it to one of her teammates in front of the goal. Alexis scored and the red Super Ninjas were up 1-0. Aja scored a goal to make it 2-0. Aja got knocked down in the penalty box and she was awarded a penalty kick. She converted it to put her team ahead 3-0 still in the first half.

Her team was up 3-0 at halftime. At the break, each player on both teams got a soccer club pin. Aja's pin was black and red and had a soccer ball. In 5 minutes, it was time for the second half to begin. The score was 3-0 with 30 minutes left. Alexis scored again to make it 4-1. The other team scored a goal right before Alexis scored. With 10 minutes left, it was now 5-2. Aja completed her first hat trick of the season. The soccer game was just the second game of the club season. In the first game, she had 2 goals so now she has 5 goals. The final score was 7-4. Maggie had a hat trick for the other team and Aja finished with 4 goals.

There was a scout watching the game. The scout was from a top club in California. The scout was named Elizabeth. The club competed against top teams in the nation. After the game, the scout went over to Aja. Aja was wondering what the scout wanted.

"Aja, I represent one of the top clubs in the country and I have seen enough of you playing to know you are a great soccer play. I have recruited you and Maggie for a tryout for our U10 team." Elizabeth told Aja.

"I am happy to tryout for the team but where is this club located?" Aja asked.

"The club is located in California." Elizabeth replied.

" Before I say I will tryout, I will have to talk to my mom." Aja said.

The tryouts were local. Aja headed home then she wrote in her diary.

Dear Diary,

It was a great game. I scored 4 goals. The best part of the day was when I was asked if I was interested in playing on another team. I don't know much about the club. I really want to try out. I would never know if I will make the team or not if I don't tryout. I will ask Carly and Sami for their opinion. What if the club is really far away? Will I have to move away from my family and friends? What if the kids are bigger than me? These are the questions in my head. I will have to research the club. I know the club is called the Yellow Jackets. I was excited that a top club wants me.

When she got home, she went to her mom's office and asked her if she could do the tryout. Her mom said yes but asked where the club is. Aja said that she didn't know where the club is. She logged onto her computer and searched Yellow Jackets. She realized that the club is in California. She knew if she really wanted this she would have to make sacrifices. For example, she would have to move to California. She would be sad to leave her friends. At the same time, she was happy that she would play for one of the best clubs in the country.

The next day, she went to talk to Carly and Sami. Aja told them that she was asked to try out. Aja was shocked to find out that Carly and her friend, Morgan were asked to try out. After she talked to Carly and Sami, she went to talk to Elizabeth. Aja told Elizabeth that she was interested in trying out. Elizabeth told her that the tryouts would be 2 weeks long. Following the tryouts, there would be a month of training and a few games. The Yellow Jackets were competing in a tournament near where Aja lives. The tournament was for U-10, U-12, and U-14 club teams. She would be competing for the Yellow Jackets' U-10 team if she makes the team. She was excited to tryout and if she made the team she would have to move. Her life would never be the same if she made the team. 

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