The Dream

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A woman named Parker walked into the room and introduced herself as the U14 girls national team coach. Aja could be on her team in the future. Parker played on the full women's national team from 2001-2007 and registered 100 caps. She retired after losing in the 2007 FIFA World Cup semi finals to the team from Brazil and won the bronze medal.

Parker told the girls about why they lost that game and what happened that game. Aja learned that Tricia Solo's mom is the now-retired Casey Solo who registered 200 caps in her goalkeeping career. Aja wondered why Tricia never mentioned her mom was the famous Casey Solo. Aja wanted to find out what was Tricia hiding from her.

Parker told the girls that they were all invited to a national team training session that would take place in Rochester and the girls squealed with joy. Aja was excited to meet some of the national team members and get their advice. The next part of the meeting was Aja's favorite part. Parker announced that all of them were invited to open tryouts for the U-10 ODP regional team. Aja was excited for this opportunity. 

The Olympic Development Program strives to find the best up-and-coming soccer players who might one day make the national team. And that was Aja's dream. Aja couldn't wait for the tryout. If Aja made the team, there was a good chance After that announcement, Parker met with each of the girls to talk to each of them about what they can improve about their game.

Aja was told that she needs to focus on her defense. Aja struggles with her defense and she knows she has to improve. After the individual meetings, the girls were invited to join Parker for a dinner at Aja's favorite restaurant, Sam's Pizza and Pasta Palace. Each customer gets to sit on a throne and wear a princess crown.

Aja ordered a single slice of pizza and macaroni and cheese. When the two are waiting for their food, Parker started a conversation with the girls.

"What are your dreams? Do you want to go to the Olympics or just want to play for fun? I hope to one day see all of you at the Olympics."

"My dream is just to play the biggest game of my life someday and maybe it will be at the Olympics. It will take hard work to get to the Olympics. I am ready to work hard." Aja replied.

Another girl said she didn't have a dream and that she wants to be a track star. Sami wanted to be a movie start after her soccer career is over. Parker told all of the girls that their dreams are attainable if they work hard and dedicate their life to a sport they all love.

Aja already dedicated her life to soccer so she can be the best player she can be. She was ready to work hard and achieve her dreams. Parker admitted to the girls that she wanted to be a basketball player but she gave up basketball to be one of the best soccer players in the United States.

She got motivated to become a coach when she discovered she loved coaching little girls. She was offered to be the coach of the United States U-14 girls' team in 2007 after her soccer career was over. For the girls, they got a chance to meet the woman that one day might coach them. Aja finished eating and headed home and Tricia was waiting for Aja to get home. Aja was wondering why Tricia was at her house. 

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