Chapter 23 - Telling Lizzy

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"(Y/N)? Sweetheart?" Ciel called out to his lover who sat across from him on his bed. Whenever Ciel had a day off, he'd invite the bunny over to stay the night, the next day they would do nothing but play around and sleep.

"Yes?" He hummed back, playing with Ciel's ring on his thumb.

"Elizabeth is coming over for a visit tomorrow, so. . . you think we should tell her about us then?"

(Y/N) thought for a bit then sat up with a sigh," it would be best if we tell her now then wait."

Ciel nodded," do you think it'll go well?"

The bunny shook his head with a frown," I don't think so."

The earl leaned up, wrapping his arm around the bunny and pulling him back down beside him. (Y/N) relaxed against his chest as his tail twitched happily.

"Let's just hope I don't have to get Sebastian to drag her out."

They both chuckled and soon fell asleep for the third time that day, this time in slumber til tomorrow came.







"Sebastian, is she coming?" The earl questioned his butler who had just got off the phone.

"She is on her way right now young lord."

Ciel turned to a nervous (Y/N), taking his hands into his.

"It'll be fine."

(Y/N) gave a fake smile and squeezed his hands before heading over to the couch and sitting down. The earl sighed, knowing something was clearly wrong, he followed and sat beside his lover.

"What's bothering you still?" He questioned with a calming tone, the bunny didn't hesitate to answer.

"What will happen after this Ciel? Did you ever think about that?"

. . .

"What about the queen? Your reputation? Your family name? What will London think when they find out the biggest earl likes men and that he is in a relationship with a hybrid that everyone thinks is dangerous and disgusting? Lizzy will obviously tell people and if she doesn't then others will find out about us. I could just be ruining your life with this choice that we're making."

He spilled it all out, all of his worries that were on his mind. He was speaking too fast and had begun to breath faster, shaking lightly and starting to have a panic attack.
Ciel was speechless at this, thinking that he took things too far. He then let out a laugh, trying to grab (Y/N) into a hug. The bunny pushed him away, face turning red from anger.

"I'm being serious!!" He yelled, Ciel ignored him, pulling him back by his wrist and hugging him tightly.

"Calm down, calm down. I already told the queen about us sweetheart. She said that it was totally fine and she respected me, love is love no matter who says what. You being apart of my life will not change my reputation or family name, if others decide to judge and make a commontion then the queen can easily handle that. London has already saw us and I could care less about anything they have to say."

(Y/N) listened to what his lover had to spill and started to calm down, breathing slowed down and his trembling hands gripped onto Ciel's biceps.

"Why didn't you tell me before I started freaking out?" (Y/N) whimpered, burying his face in his neck. Ciel sighed and rubbed his back lightly.

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