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Boyf Riends


   Jeremy sat in the passenger seat of Michael's small red PT Cruiser, bopping his head along to the music that was blaring through the speakers. He sang loudly to the newest Fall Out Boy album while eating his chicken nuggets every so often. Michael had a goofy grin on his face while he admired Jeremy's dancing. He knew he should be watching the road, but how could he when he was sitting next to perfection?

   The car moved slowly through the foggy parking lot. It was one of those cloudy mornings that left you with a wholesome, serene feeling whenever you looked outside. The tall trees that had just begun to change in order to adjust to the brisk fall weather were coated with morning dew, and the skies carried signs of yet another storm. In the middle of the school parking lot was a small paddling of baby sucks, which nearly got hit by Michael's car if it Jeremy hadn't been there.

   Jeremy threw his arm in front of Michael's torso, making Michael stop the car abruptly. Michael looked at Jeremy with a bewildered expression, and Jeremy at Michael with one of shock.

   "Dude. Babe. Bro. Wait here." With that small string of words, Jeremy climbed out of the car and immediately checked on the group of ducklings. Upon seeing Jeremy, the flock swarmed him, surrounding his lanky legs while making small squeaks. Jeremy smiled softly and sat criss-cross on the blacktop, gently holding one of the ducklings. The rest climbed on his lap or simply hung around him.

   Michael began to wonder what was taking so long, growing slightly exasperated. He left the car and checked on where he last saw Jeremy only to find him giggling while cuddling ducklings. Michael grinned and pulled his phone out, taking a picture of the scene. Jeremy looked at Michael with a wide grin. When he stood up, the ducks waited patiently at his side. Both of the boys looked at the ducks with a look of awe.

   "Micha, darling, I think the ducks imprinted on me..." Jeremy took a large step to the side and watched as the ducks quickly followed. He laughed happily and repeated the process a couple of times. Michael sighed and simply walked to the trunk of his car, pulling out an old shoebox he kept in there with spare shoes.

   "Jer, let's get these guys in the car before they freeze. It's like 15 degrees." Jeremy nodded and ran over, the ducks trailing behind him at a quick pace. Jeremy gently scooped the ducklings up in his arms and placed them in the box, giggling at the scene. Both of the boys climbed back into the car, Jeremy holding the box in his lap. The two looked at each other with small smiles. Michael spoke up and the smile could be heard in his voice.

   "Looks like we're parents, Jer-bear."


I love this video more than I love myself.

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