A.... microwave?

53 1 0

Something funny!


Jared and Evan sat huddled on the sidewalk across Evan's house. They looked at the flames engulfing the entire lower floor and laughed slightly. It was, after all, the beginning of something relatively new.


Jared opened the door to Evan's place and sauntered in, greeting his mom and heading straight to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and took a huge bite, raising an eyebrow at Evan, who was baking for some reason.

"Ev, my buddy, why are you baking?"

Evan glanced over and gave Jared a weak smile, mixing the brownie batter.

"'M stressed, Jared. Thats why."

Jared glanced the counters in the kitchen, seeing two dozens of freshly baked cupcakes. He sighed, taking another bite of his apple. Evan set the batter on the counter and went to get a cake pan to bake the brownies in. While Evan was gone looking for the cake pan, Jared threw the apple away and dipped his finger into the batter, grinning at the chocolatey taste. Evan returned and poured the batter in, setting it in the oven carefully.

"Hey Evan, can I make something too? Cuz I'm hungry my guy."

Evan nodded, moving on to his next desert. Jared rummaged through the pantry, not finding anything that was easy enough for him to make without adult supervision. He gave up and got a Campbell's soup can, tossing it in the microwave. What he didn't realize was that you aren't supposed to put cans in a microwave.

Evan walked over to Jared and leaned on the counter next to him. Jaref looked over and chuckled, seeing flour in his hair.

"So, what are you so stressed about?"

Evan shifted uncomfortably and messed with the apron he was wearing. He glanced at Jared and looked back down at the floor. The microwave was at 3:22 and counting.

"I-I'm confused by my sexuality. Maybe?"

Jared looked at him with a smirk on his face, slightly amused by that statement. The microwave was at 3:03 and counting.

"Is there anyone that's making you confused?"

Evan sighed, looking at Jared and biting his lip. He knew he was going to have to say something, but he didnt know that right now would be the time. The microwave was at 2:37.

"Well... It may or may not be you and oh gosh you're probably gonna hate me now because I mean who would love a dorky stress baker like-"  

Jared cut him off and pressed his lips against Evan's. Evan's eyes widened and he blushed a bright red. At this point, the microwave would've been at 2:05 if it hadn't exploded. Jared and Evan jumped back, looking the the firey ball that used to be Evan's microwave. Mrs. Hansen ran into the kitchen and ushered the boys out once she saw the growing flames. The fire department arrived not much later and tried to put out the growing flames.

And that was how the two boys ended up a blushing, giggling mess on the sidewalk across the street.



I hope???

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