A Letter to the Next Lucky

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For the man that will take my woman's heart, first and foremost, she's gorgeous. She's the woman that will sweep you off your feet at any given moment. She will make your head turn and time fly by slower than ever. She's every man's dream of a woman. She will want a lot, she's been through so much with her ex, with me. She favors glitters and ribbons. She collects pens too. She would appreciate the slightest amount of sweetness you give her. Pay attention to her and don't let your eyes roll away from her. She likes it when you stare at her but she won't know until you tell her "You're beautiful."

She'd choose movie night over parties anytime but when she drinks so you must remind her of her limits even when she already knows it. She can't stand not seeing you for a long time. Be sweet personally —not the occasional sweet text mate— she would love that. Every time you see her happy, watch her laugh, laugh at the silliest things she does, you look at her, smiling, and you end up saying "Damn, I'm one lucky bastard."

Treat her the way I never treated her but you have to find out how. Make her feel that she's your top priority because she always feels low. If everything falls out of place don't rebuild, start over. She has been through a lot and maybe she can't take any more pain.

She's simply amazing; she's out of this world. No other words could describe the feeling when you're with her. She won't be easy, that's one thing. It's because she's a keeper. But the most wonderful thing about her is that no matter how hard the situation gets, she won't give up on you. But you know? Things do happen unexpectedly. Yet I'm glad that we shared moments of laughter, tears, and hardships together. She changed me— changed me for the better. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be where I'm standing now. So enjoy every single moment you spend with her. Spend it like it would be your last. Second chances are hard to come by, make it count.

With all honesty,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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