Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - One of Life's Clue, Found in a Quest to be Embraced.

Fate continues to toy me. Feeding my curiosity— being my only drive left in living this shallow life of mine. The strings of fate was pulled once again, in a desperate move of keeping me alive, I wonder what again, just what does these invisible forces have against me for me to experience this damnation longer than what was due.


A small and metallic voice echoed surprisingly inside this rough cave walls. Sharp as a knife's deadly side, I sometimes condemn my ears of mine for initiating the self-preservation system my body runs through whenever I deliberately create danger. I adamantly searched for the source of that unknown voice. To falsify my conviction? To attain the answer to my curiosity? Who knows— after all, I just attempted suicide about five times today already. Either way, I clenched my rifle closer and tighter, for I know that this might just not be a hoax.

'Your dream... In this world of uncertainty, became too ambiguous to be called a goal...'

No emotions. That was my thoughts upon hearing the mysterious voice. Not a dash of sympathy nor hatred can be heard from it. I can't even distinguish whether or not it even contains even the slightest sincerity. Nevertheless, I immediately pursued the source. And on hearing the voice for last and final time on gaining a clue on it's position, I... I found it.

'Arno... You were called an Arno...'

'Crystal? Why is... Are you, perhaps, alive?'

'I am, in your most simple sense, I am alive...'

To be honest, I couldn't believe that I am now having a conversation on a precious material. A crystal isn't something I can see on an everyday basis. But, this was no ordinary crystal. from my knowledge, this is a crystal that one can obtain by slaying a black demon in 'sophisticated' methods. This really piqued my interests. Something so valuable, something so indispensably valuable. Even if it really did 'belonged' to that sneaky bastard, he might've just stolen this from someone whom really obtained it, I can say that I gained this valuable through righteous means... Vengeance maybe? Did it perhaps belong inside this secret hospitable cave inlet? But, there are no hints for clarification that there once resided a holy figure inside. This, this is undeniably my greatest crisis ever since coming from this wretched world.

'Tell me, to whom do you take possession from?'

'I... Cannot remember...'


'I don't recall...'

Despite everything, I can actually empathize with that rock. Just how lonesome it might've been. Its essence of life, clouded by the irrationality of these supreme beings, and forever it will be. That crystal, I just wonder, how long has it been stuck in this miserable cave?

I sat beside it. I just sat on it and done nothing else that might actually offend this holy item. I slowly dropped my rifle on the ground. Cushioned on the ashes that filled almost an inch of the ground. The same ash that covered the crystal that I picked up in exchange for my rifle and wiped the impurities away from it. It glew a soft dark light. Darkness that I cannot believe that I can still perceive it as light. Light that expels large quantities of darkness that consumes my elongated shadow. What an amusing sight, I thought.

'Do you at least recall on how do I return you to your rightful place? A cave is surely unsuitable for something as precious as you... At least, somewhere that I can rest easy that you are at your place of rest. '

'Light... I remember refuge...'

Suddenly, the crystal began emitting a soft, warm glow of white. Coated with strands of black mists, I can't deny that this crystal is somehow alive in a different dimension of logic that I currently have. I cannot comprehend such astonishing sight. Almost too impossible that I am able to witness such miracle in what other might call 'biblical proportions'. But before I can ask, the crystal spoke immediately.

'Shelter for refuge... Protected by large metal structures... A city free from impurities...'

My eyes widened when I heard such thing. Everything was already unbelievable until now. And, right now, I thin— I can! I might actually think that this is—


'Please... I think... Must arrive there at once.'

'For such a place to exist, can I actually find it?'

No... For such a place to do exist, I am unworthy of it. But, even so, I should see to it that I must arrive or at least take a glimpse on this paradise that the crystal was talking about. For a holy crystal to speak at some place as it's birthplace, I think that it is only logical for it.

'Arno... I am experiencing different emotions at the same time... I do not know the answer...'

'Wha-what? What should I do?'

'Until arrival at eden... I suppose no definite answers to your questions...'

This is beyond exciting. For a long time, I have never experienced such a rush like this. Adrenaline gushing through my endocrine system as if every single of my numb glands had been stimulated to revitalization. For the last time, I must see this through...

'Then, lead me the way...'

I picked up my rifle once again and held it firmly. With all eagerness, I rushed towards the mouth of the cave and stood there in front. Staring towards the horizon of the dark and Stygian world I so desperately gaze upon. A world that used to flaunt nothing interesting for me, now holds the greatest mystery that I would want to see through the very end. I must...

'Are we to embark... Right now?....'

'Of course. Something like this is not like an everyday encounter...'


'A simple one actually... Only that I must see this through...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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