01 | Asher Daniels: (Not) A Spectacle (PT.1)

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Asher Daniels: (Not) A Spectacle (PT.1).


There once was a bitter-sweet man and they called him Lemon Boy.

"Bitter boy, bitter boy, bitter-sweet Lemon Boy!"

Asher would be fibbing if he said that was the first time he heard those words. The words thrown towards Lemon Boy, spitting from the brace-filled mouths of his fellow classmates to the hand-covered whispers of their parents.

Slowly coming together to form the title of the boys whole seventeen years of existence.

It was comical. Actually. Comical to see grown adults try to convince themselves in front of each other - even in front of children - that their gossiping of a child was anything but ill-intentioned.

As if their actions wouldn't be shown, unfiltered in the form of children's grimy fingers and hot mouths.

Maybe it was the simple stress of children, or the pure boredom of a picket-fence town that made adults turn vicious to the sound of gossip. Awaiting to gobble it up - even if for a second to forgot their, oh-so boring lives. Even if that meant risking their morals in the process.

But was Asher any different? Not really.

Asher watched as a child. Awaiting for the day his fellow classmates turned their antics into carbon copies of their parents. Of course he was right. It was a simple calculation. Cause at the end of the day - they were all fated to the same, measly life of their parents, grandparents and so forth.

Cause nobody escaped the town of Chestier without becoming a spectacle. And, Asher Daniels, stood as rooted down as a four-foot man in quicksand against that outcome.

And, destined or not - the same roots Daniel fought to wove around himself would crack the day he laid eyes on Lenny Lemon. The boy who shamelessly acted like he was from another planet, separated solely by his own eyes.

Lemon Boy was in a world of his own.

And Daniel would be sucked into it. Fast.

Fast as a four-foot man in quicksand.



Hello friends! Here to bring you the the first chapter. Just a snip to the main character thought process and a bit of foreshadowing. Gotta love foreshadowing. And before you say it, I will. Lol. Yes. Yes, this is an extremely short chapter. Sadly, the first chapter came out (way) longer then I was intending. Which ended up in my decision to split it up into three parts! And this just so happened to be the shortest of-the-three.

PS: Also! QUESTION TIME. Do y'all ever just have that one short piece of writing that you love, (but for the life of you), just peaks out like a red-thumb against the rest? If so, I feel ya, hardcore. Lol.


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Maddie, xo.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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