The Kidnapper

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Chapter 2: The Kidnapper

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath. Michael cursed. Michael never curses. Something wasn't right.

*Paris's POV*

"Michael? What are you not telling me?"

"Paris, I'm sorry but there are a lot of things I haven't told you about."

"What haven't you told me?"

"There is someone I know, someone bad. He will do whatever he can to get you. I don't know why though."

A chill shivered through my spine.

"And I'm sorry but, he's here."

Someone came out from behind Michael. He had on a black beanie and black glasses so I couldn't see his eyes. He had a plain black t-shirt on and a black leather jacket. He had black jeans and combat boots.

"Uh.. Michael? Is that him?"

The man started running towards us.


And everything went black.

**Eeeee! Cliff hanger huh? Haha hope you guys enjoy!! Tara x**

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