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I couldn't believe what I had done. I can't believe how easily I let the monster within me win. I should've fought against but maybe I was over estimating my strength. Maybe I was weak. Maybe I should stop fighting, I didn't have anything worth fighting for. It's being 2 weeks, 2 dull boring weeks. Marcus hasn't called me so looks like I've lost my chance and Raphael's repulsed by me. That's what you get for being a bloodsucking monster. The bad thing was I couldn't even make up a more believable excuse. The thing was I don't know what came over me. All I can remember is feeling dizzy and light headed ad then the young girls blood cursing its way down my throat. A small part of me feels terrible for taking an innocents life but the rest of me has no regret. That's the thing I couldn't deny.

I've take precautions now, locking myself in my room, feeding myself when my mum feeds me, not socializing with anyone and never to leave the house again. These four walls enclosed me in this cell which I deserve to be in. I can hear the strain in my mum's voice as she tries talking to me through the locked door. A part of me won't stay here forever, I couldn't possibly do that. There's things I need to know and people I need to see. I couldn't risk being with any human ever again though. That saddened me alot because I was trying so hard to act human. Everything seemed a waste, all my effort to not be the monster I was born to be, gone.

I could hear the soft footsteps, the creaks of the floorboards as someone walked over them. I expected my mum but I was surprised who it was. Raphael. The person who is pure good, seen my most terrible crime. There was a low, gentle tap on my door. I didn't want to open the door, I could picture his horrified face the last time I saw him. But my heart longed for him, deep down I knew if he was here everything would be alright. Getting off my bed, I walked over to my door and opened it. His face was blank, no emotion there at all. My guess was he didn't really want to be.


"Raphael, I wasn't expecting you"

"I'm surprised I'm here myself"

"So why are you here?"

"I don't know I guess I wanted to see you"

"That's rubbish"

"Look Victoria, you made a mistake, that proves your human, you're not evil"

"Your face differs"

"I was shocked okay, look I'll help you"

"No, you'll just save the innocents, not help me"

"How about both"

"I guess I can't argue with that?"

"So have you heard off Marcus?"

"Nope, I haven't heard anything off anyone for two weeks."


I was sick of the small chat. Sure he was being honest but it was as if he had forced himself here. I couldn't bear to look at him, so I stared absent minded at the floor. No one dared to speak over the uncomfortable silence. I could hear him shifting his wear, tensing and un-tensing his muscle. Will someone speak? Please. I hate silence, it's the time when you're mind wanders and thinks about all the terrible things. I was just about to open my mouth to speak when Raphael's lips were crashing down on my own. I don't know what made me do it but I grabbed hold of his hair, forcing closer to me. He had a nice minty taste, the type that made your mouth water. We could've been kissing for hours and I wouldn't of noticed time. Eventually he pushed a way, both of us wearing sheepish grins. That felt nice. Just for those moments I forgot everything, Marcus, my mum , Rose, Blaze, Adler, my dad, my future. All that mattered was me and Raphael. I bit my lip, trying to hide how embarrassed I was by my reaction.

"Gosh, Victoria, you're good"

"Not too bad you're self"

"Ha, sorry about that, I just needed to get that out the way"

"So that meant nothing?"

"I've been waiting since the first time I met you to do that"

I laughed and held my face in my hands even more embarrassed now than before. The fact he said that made me feel slightly giddy.


The last time I saw Victoria, she was rushing out of a cafe, I made no attempt to go after her. Maybe she wasn't interested in me?  Well at least I tried, I should've known she wouldn't like me, I mean who does. Part of me though didn't want to give up. I would do anything for her to like me. I had no chance against Raphael. I stayed in that cafe for a short while, finishing off my coffee, that's when I heard the piercing sounds. A terrified girl screaming. No one else could hear it and there was nothing I could do, whatever had attacked her would've been gone by now, and maybe her too. I left the cafe to walk out into pouring rain still. Nothing was bright today. I dragged my feet along the level floor. Back to Blaze's apartment. I knew now I needed to get some new clothes, money and maybe run away from here. It's clear that Victoria doesn't want me in her life.

I pushed open the door that was slightly ajar and walked into a muscular body. Raphael. Great now he was going to lecture me about being with Victoria. Well newsflash for him, he can have her. These thoughts stopped immediately when I noticed the strange expression on his face.

"Why are you here?"

"Victoria. well she"

"Ah, so you do want her after all"

"No, it's not that, she attacked me today and well she attacked an innocent"

"W- What?"

"Something's going on with her and I want you to talk to her"

"Why would she listen to me?"

"Bad date huh, listen I know she cares for you otherwise she wouldn't of picked  you over me, give her some time"

"I don't want to be involved with someone who loves more than one person"

"She's confused and needs help or we'll both loose her and deep down you don't want to lose her"


But I never called. I picked up the phone and dialled the first digits of her number but freaked out of it. Maybe I was scared of her now. After all she seemed inhumanly different the last time I saw her. Another thing that stopped me from talking to her was she'd be angry with me for not calling to check in on her, but she didn't do the same. Well she had, I was just avoiding her calls. I couldn't avoid her forever, I knew that. So why was I acting like such a coward. Every time I saw Blaze and Adler on the sofa I pictured me and Victoria like that. Snuggled up, her wearing my tops if she was cold. But that wasn't going to happen. It finally hit me that I would have to get over her.

It was a Monday and I decided to take a break from the house. I went to the only cafe I knew and bumped into the person I least expected to see again. Jessica. I looked at her closely this time, her hair was shorter than last time I seen her, and it was ruby red too. The colour suited her tanned skin. She smiled and waved me over when she saw me. This time I sat opposite her asking her all the questions. I've never noticed it before but she was easy to talk to, and she at least helped me keep my mind off Victoria. We talked for hours until we were rudely interrupted by a loud cough. I looked up to see who interrupted us and regretted it almost immediately. Victoria was staring down me with a sad distant look in her eyes and beside her was an angry Raphael.

Broken Angel (Book Two) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now