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Hey guys!!!!

 I know it have been some time since I last post something of HSM. So I'm here to tell you that I'm writing the second book of the "The Chereleader and The Theater Boy". So stay on and wait for it! ^^

So in just a few days I'll start to put here for you to read! And I wanted to tell about the other fanfic I have started to publish, it's about HSM but with Voltron characters. With new songs and romance.

So if you like Voltron or HSM you will love this! You can find in my acount or look up, the name is "The Nerd and The Player - HSM KLANCE" Hope you like it. <3

Also I'm writting  another story 'Tangled with you' You can find it in my profile. Is a Volrton fanfic in Tangled AU! ^^ Please read it and coment to tell me what you all think about it.

~Pam <3

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