My life love come back?????

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Cat's P.O.V

After they tell me what they did, I couldn't stay there so I was know walking in the hallway. I love Ryan but I can tell him, not know with everything that happened. I bump with someone.

"Sorry." I said and look up seeing who I bumped. Ryan.

"Cat....." he start but I cut him off.

"No...just no." I said and start to walk again wen he grabbed my wrist, making hurt because of the cut.

"Ouch." I said making him let go and I run off to the room. My wonderland.

Getting there I close the door and went to the corner sitting dow, the low light of the afternow anter the room betwen the drapery of the windows.

Then I get my razon and cut my arm again crying.

'One cut, two cut, three cut, four
Watch my blood spill on the floor
Five cut, six cut, seven cut, eight
Isn't this life just fucking great
Nine cut, ten
Here we go again'

I cut ten times in one of my arms, singing and crying.

'One cut, two cut, three cut, four
Sinking every day a little more
Five cut, six cut, seven cut, eight
Future is up to chance and fate
Nine cut, ten
This fucked up game I'll never win'

I cut more ten in the same arm seeing the blood fluid out of my arm.

'One cut,

Two cuts,

Three cuts,


Come on Darling, what's one more?'

I cut and cut more. My both arms are red with blood.

'Five cuts,

Six cuts,

Seven cuts,


Oh, what mess this will create....

How many cuts left till I hit the floor???'

I smile and sing more softly.

'Put on a smile,

Dry our eyes.

Don't let then see it,

You are telling then lies.

Hide your scars,

Cut your skin.

The voices inside,

You're letting them win.'

When I fimished the song I put dow the razon and look up, metting the eyes that I didn't want to see now.

"Ryan?" I assk.

Ryan's P.O.V

I call Cat but she just go letting me there. I need to know what is with her and why did she flick when I grab her arm. Then my phone start to ring and I answer.

"Hello, Ryan?" I hear Troy ask in the other line.

"Troy." I said.

"Ryan you need to talk to my sister because...." hten he tell me what the cheerleaders, his team and my sister did " to her, and one more thing look her arms." Then he hang up. Why did I need to look to her arms? Did she hurt herself?

I walk to were I know were she will be. Wonderland. I open the door and see trow the low lithg her in the corner, and wwhat I see made me cry. She was cutting herself, blood was pouring trough the wound dow her arm.

She was singing.

'One cut, two cut, three cut, four
Sinking every day a little more
Five cut, six cut, seven cut, eight
Future is up to chance and fate
Nine cut, ten
This fucked up game I'll never win'

'One cut,

Two cuts,

Three cuts,


Come on Darling, what's one more?'

'Five cuts,

Six cuts,

Seven cuts,


Oh, what mess this will create....

How many cuts left till I hit the floor???'

I start to walk to her, tears leaving my eyes to every cut she make to herself. Did I make her do that to herself when we stop to talk? I cry more, I can't be the one that did that.

'Put on a smile,

Dry our eyes.

Don't let then see it,

You are telling then lies.

Hide your scars,

Cut your skin.

The voices inside,

You're letting them win.'

She finishe the song and look up seeing me, than look at me terrified.

"Ryan?" she ask.

"Yes, Cat." I said, I sit biside her in the floor and take her hand in mines "Why did you do that to you?"

"You don't anderstand." She said crying her eyes out.

"It's because of me?" I ask.

"No, not in part." She said, I did this to her. I hate miself.

"Come on." I said getting up and pulling her up, then I get her in the bathroon that has in the room. I put her arms under the wather to clean her wounds making her wince.

"Sorry." I said. I bandage her arm and we sit in the floor again "Please tell me why."



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