Chapter 1: the Start of a New Generation

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Becca (Artemis's daughter)

Sarah (Ares's daughter)

Mia (Athena's daughter)

Ashley (Zeus's daughter)

Brandon (Poseidon's son)

Emerald (Athena's daughter)

Adam (Apollo's son)

Jackson (Hades's son)

Nikki (Zeus's daughter)

Sapphire (Aphrodite's daughter)

Jalissa (Hestia's daughter)

Diamond (Aphrodite's daughter)

Amara (Poseidon's daughter)

[Author's Note- The characters listed above are the characters that will be in my story. Not all of the characters are listed but once I continue the story you will be introduced to more characters.]

Let me tell you from the very beginning how I met the best people in the whole world who became a second family to me and what we discovered about ourselves. Well if I'm going to tell this the right way then I might as well start at the very beginning. So it was the start of freshmen year when I had just transferred to this new school where I didn't know who anyone was, I was an outsider. After my first two periods I had seen this group of kids talking in a small circle while looking at me, I figured that I might as well go ask them why they kept looking at me, so when I finally got over to the group of girls they asked me what I wanted. "Well I was wondering why you guys kept on looking at me and talking about me?" I tried to say without aggression. "Well we were just talking about how nice you looked" one of the girls replied. "We were also just talking about you because not a lot of people transfer into this school" the girl across from her said. "We're sorry if we made you think that we were gossiping about you because we weren't" the last girl had said that to me with a smile on her face. "Oh okay sorry I just thought you guys were saying some bad things about me because I know that other people probably are." I responded to them while looking at my feet. I could tell that these girls weren't the type to talk about people behind their backs. "Anyway I'm Sarah!" said to me, the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes like me. "And this is Mia and Emerald." Sarah pointed at the two other girls while introducing me to them. "Well it's nice to meet you guys I'm Brandon." "So I guess that makes us friends then?" I said with a little laugh hoping that they would say yes. "I guess it does!" they all said in unison with a laugh. I was thinking to myself that I was happy I made friends on my first day at my new school. So for the rest of the day until lunch I tried making some more friends but it didn't work out as well as I thought. A lot of people who were in my classes were somewhat unapproachable because they were already talking to their friends which made it a little hard for me to talk to people. But when my last class finally got over as I was leaving the classroom someone came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder, I jumped a little bit but not enough to make anybody notice except for whoever had touched my shoulder. After I turned around I saw this really beautiful girl who looked like she came right from a fashion show. "Hi I'm Ashley I just wanted to introduce myself, I didn't mean to scare you" her voice had a soft gentle tone when she talked to me. "Oh no you didn't scare me I just got startled that's all. I'm Brandon." I came off with a confident tone. I was already beginning to "analyze" her. Usually I can figure out a lot of things about someone just by looking at them but Ashley was different I couldn't get anything from her which I thought was really unusual. Anyway after that whole meet up with Ashley I just started to head for my bus but once I got on the bus and sat in my seat I had this bad feeling that people just started to talk about me like I wasn't even there. I tried my best to ignore it until I was just about to turn around and say something but what I saw next was amazing. I saw this handsome guy walk onto the bus, he had chocolate brown hair and he looked really good in his leather jacket that he was wearing over this plain t-shirt. I guess he saw that I was staring at him because the next thing I knew he was sitting right next to me on the outside of the seat. I suddenly turned to look out the window because I was thinking to myself that this kid was going to tell me off or beat me up for looking at him but, he did the very opposite he actually talked to me. "Hey I'm Jackson. And you are?" he had such and intimidating tone. "I-I'm Brandon." you could easily tell that I was nervous when I answered his question. "Well Brandon it's nice to meet you. I see that you were staring at me when I got on the bus. Did you see something that you like or did you just simply look for the hell of it?" he had a big grin on his face. I could already tell that I was going to be great friends with this guy. "Um oh no I didn't mean for it to seem like that, I was just looking over in your direction when you got on the bus." I was talking frantically now. "You're fine don't worry I was just asking I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable either." Jackson was trying to reassure me. "Don't worry you didn't if anything I'm the one who made you feel uncomfortable because I was just randomly staring at you without you even knowing who I was." I tried to stay as calm as possible. "Well I'd like to get to know you more if we're going to be friends. Is there anyway that this could be our seat from now on just so that we could talk and hang out on our way to and from school?" this time he had a gentle tone in his voice. "Sure why not it's not like anyone else is going to want to sit with me anyway." I managed a laugh so that it wasn't that serious. For the rest of the ride home I was just waiting to get off the bus. The bus finally stopped at my stop so I quickly got up and tried my best to avoid eye contact with anyone else on the bus when I was getting off. As the bus was driving away  I saw that Jackson had moved towards the window to take a peek out the window and watched me as they drove away further down the street. I decided to quickly stop and catch my breath, "What is wrong with me why do I feel like this?" were just a few things that were going through my head. When I finally got in my house my foster parents had asked me how my first day was at school so I told them about Sarah, Mia, and Emerald. But, the only thing that I didn't tell them about was Jackson. I couldn't help but keep thinking to myself about who this guy really was and what what his dark secrets were underneath his cold yet calming shell. I was determined to find out more about him one way or the other.

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