I was nervous as hell to get up out of my bed the morning after I got that text message. I was scared that someone had followed me to my new school who I used to know and was planning on spilling all of my secrets to everyone who I came to know. But, like usual my foster mom came into my room trying to get me up out of bed so that I wouldn't be late for the bus. Hopefully the bus ride to school would make my day, which had been starting off semi horrible, better. So like usual every morning went the same. I got up went for the shower, brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast and then I went in the front of my house where the bus stop was. While I was waiting for the bus I got another text from the unknown number that texted me yesterday, "You can try to hide it but you know as well as I do that the truth always comes out no matter what." Right after I got that message the bus arrived at my stop so I got on the bus and sat in my seat. Once the bus came to Jackson's stop I started to blush a little bit when I saw him get on the bus because he had a plastic bag with something in it and I thought it was for me. "Hey Brandon what's up? Why are your cheeks so pink?" he asked me with a curious face as he started to sit down next to me. "Oh no reason" I tried to play it off like it was my normal cheek color but I could tell that he wasn't believing me but either way he knew I didn't want to talk about it so we stopped talking about it. All we talked about the whole way to school was how we liked freshmen year so far and to my surprise he actually was enjoying it so far and so was I. Little had I known that day at school would be very eventful in only the six hours that we were in school for. Our bus had gotten to school and like usual we all got off the bus and started to walk into the school but the only difference that day was how once we got off the bus Jackson didn't start walking ahead of me to get into school, instead he walked next to me the whole time until we got into school. It was a little strange to me at first but then as we were walking it didn't feel as strange as I thought it would. Once we got into school we kept walking side by side on the way to the lunchroom to go eat breakfast but instead of going into the line I went to go sit at the table where all the girls were waiting for me and Jackson sat with his friends on the other side of the cafeteria. "Hey guys what's up with you guys today?" I had such a joyful tone. "Look who's been talking to Jackson" they all shared a glance at each other and smiled at me. Once I sat down at the table our whole conversation was along the lines of me and Jackson. The second bell had rung to let us know that we had to start going to our first class of the day and I had the same class as Mia so we both started walking in the hallway to our first class when these two girls come up to us and introducing themselves to me, "Hi I'm Sapphire and this is Diamond" the girl that was talking was pointing to the girl that was standing to her right side. "Hi I'm Brandon and this is Mia." I was pointing at Mia who was just simply looking straight at the girls. "Well we just thought that we would come and introduce ourselves and maybe see if we could become friends." Diamond was explaining it to me. "Sure but when do you guys have lunch today so that we can get to know each other?" Mia chimed in with her question. "We both have second lunch." This time Sapphire answered. "So do we. So we'll see you at lunch." Mia and I started walking away after that statement because we didn't want to be late for first period. So we got into first period and sat next to each other like we normally do and it came time do we partner work so like usual me and Mia ended up being partners. But, today was different. Our teacher doesn't care if we have our phones out as long as we're doing our work. So my phone was in the corner of my desk while Mia and I were doing the assignment and I was writing down what Mia was explaining to me when I suddenly see a light on my phone come on out of the corner of my eye. So I picked up my phone to see who texted me and sure enough it was the same number that texted me this morning. "Who could be texting you during first period?" Mia sounded a little annoyed. I read what the message said, "I wonder how Mia and the rest of the school would react once they found out your big secret." Okay now I felt threatened. "I'll tell you after class is over. So for now let's do this assignment." I figured that I was better off telling Mia everything because I felt like I could trust her. I know everyone is gonna be asking me why I trust her already but it's hard to explain I just have a really good feeling that I could trust her. "Okay then." I couldn't tell weather Mia felt curious or a little scared but I guess I would soon find out. So the bell for the end of class had rung and Mia and I were leaving class so we went to stand near the hallway in a separate spot where I could tell her everything. I told her why I got kicked out of my old school which was a BIG deal. I told Mia that the reason I got kicked out of school is because some people hurt me in more ways then one and I just got fed up with the way they were acting and the sad part is most of them were my "friends" or so I thought then. The things they said and did weren't just mean or stupid they were a little offensive and I felt so ashamed that instead of being a good person or doing the right thing I messed with their reputation a little bit. I posted pictures of two of the people kissing each other in secret when they didn't want certain people know including the third person in the circle who I also thought was a "friend". So that took three out of the five problems away. So then I took out two birds with one stone, I made a rumor about the two of them(who were both guys) and that they were dating each other in secret because they didn't want anyone to know which that hurt their reputation pretty badly. I'm hoping that this school and just everything in general will be better for me and that I will have true friends who won't treat me like I'm a piece of trash and actually treat me like a friend. I regret majorly what I did back then and I'm trying to change now but these messages have started to get me thinking that someone must have followed me and not have let something go. But who could it be? That's the question that I need to find an answer for. After I was done ranting and explaining to Mia about everything I was surprised by her reaction, "Well then it looks like I'll just have to help you out then doesn't it?" she had a big smile on her face despite the fact of what I just explained to her which made me really happy and relieved that I told her about it. So after second was done Mia and I had study hall with Emerald and Sarah. Mia had convinced me as we were walking to study hall together to tell Emerald and Sarah what I told her and I did once everybody was all settled down and as it turns out they reacted the way that Mia did which made me even happier. "I think we should all help Brandon out to figure out what's going on!" Mia expressed her feelings to the other girls. "We both agree." Emerald spoke for the both of them while nodding. "thanks guys I appreciate it but, you know you don't have to help right?" I was talking to them nervous about them helping me because I didn't want to bring them into the mess that I created. "Are you kidding you're like our family to us. Yeah sure we haven't known each other for a long time but when someone messes with a family member they get the whole family!" Sarah sounded very intuitive. "I do consider you guys as family too and that's true no one messes with family!" I responded back now as happy as ever. After study hall we all had the same class and the same lunch period so as usual we all walked to class together afterwards and I had found out that the two girls that approached Mia and I in the hallway earlier that day, Sapphire and Diamond, were also in our class which means that they were also in our lunch period too. Me and the other girls not including Sapphire and Diamond went into the lunch line and then sat at our table we always sit at. I had a strange feeling that people were looking at me while the girls were talking to each other so I was looking around were staring at me and also some people were whispering to each other and then the strangest thing happened(even though by now nothing is "strange" in my life anymore), I got a text right as I was turning back around. You guessed it. It was the same exact number, "Now you know what it feels like to have a secret being told about you. That was just a small secret, how long do you plan on waiting until the big secret comes out?" How the hell is someone doing all of this. I've literally been in this school for a month and already someone is screwing with my life. "what is going on?" I looked over to see Mia, Emerald and Sarah all look down at their phones at the same time. "OMG what is this!" someone shouted from the other side of the cafeteria. "I think we all got that same message." Emerald said secretly showing me the message. "Oh no why did this have to come out." I got up and started walking to the door when everyone is just staring at me in disgust and frightened. Okay hold up I'll tell you what the message said just so you guys aren't stuck in wondering what it is. The message that was sent to everyone was a picture of me and another guy making out with each other under the bleachers at my old school. Yes I know you guys are asking why it's a big deal and why it's bugging everyone that I'm gay if they know that Jackson's gay but, that's the thing, no one but a select few know that he's gay. But no one except Mia and the others knew that I was gay and now I guess most of the school knows(or does the whole school know). Also Jackson didn't know I was gay which was the bad thing about it all. Yes I know it may seem like Jackson knew that I was gay because of the way that he was acting towards me all the time but I know he didn't know because of what came afterwards. The school day continued on as it normally does until I got on the bus to go home. I got on the bus and sat in the seat I normally do but what I noticed is that everyone on the bus was sitting farther away from me or looking at me in a disgusted way. But the worst part of all is when Jackson got on the bus. Once he got on I felt panic because I wasn't sure what was going to go down between us. After he saw me he started walking towards the seat like he was going to sit down but then he sat in the seat in front of me, yes it was still close to me but it wasn't the same. It felt strange because since the start of school we always sat together but once my secret got out it's like everything had changed, not just with Jackson but I mean everything, my life at school suddenly had become much worse and the bus rides to and from school that I was looking forward to didn't make me happy anymore they just made me feel like I had no one left and that I was all alone. So a couple of weeks had passed since my secret got out and the only people who had been talking to me were my true family; Mia, Emerald, and Sarah. Also Sapphire and Diamond would occasionally talk to me and I liked that because that meant that not everyone thought I was a bad person and just liked me for me. So like I said a couple weeks had passed and I was still getting the looks, especially from the "popular" people, including Nikki, and Jackson still wasn't talking to me either. So once I got home and it was the weekend I went to my "secret hideout" I like to call it. I had only started living here with my foster parents for a few months but at the end of the summer a little before school had started I found this old tree house by a creek that was in the woods which were in my backyard so I went there almost every weekend. But it was strange because that day I went there something felt different about the place. I don't know how to describe it but it just had a different feel to it and a different energy that was emanating from it.
[Authors Note-Hey guys if you're reading this then thank you for continuing to read my story and I hope you're enjoying it so far. There are more chapters to come. Yeah I know this one is a little long but there are A LOT of things going on in this chapter. It's very intense right????!!!! I'm really enjoying being able to share my story with you guys and I'm glad you guys are reading it so thank you. Before you read the next chapter please vote!! I promise not all the chapters will be this long. Thanks guys!]

Destinies of the Demigods
FantasyThis is me trying to write my own book. It sort of features a little of the same types of things in the Percy Jackson series or like any other Demigod themed book. But this is me doing my own little spin on it.