It was about a month after my secret came out that things started to die down in school and people just stopped looking at me when I walked by them in the halls or sat by them on the bus even Jackson had sort of started to notice me again and started paying attention to me. Every time I looked up I always caught a glimpse of him taking a peek at me but then he would turn his head in the other direction once he noticed me looking at him. "See it just took some time for everyone to get used to it." Sapphire was talking to me while we were on our way to breakfast. Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you guys, me, Sapphire, Diamond and the other girls all got a lot closer with each other over the past month to the point where now instead of having three girl friends I now have five. Don't get me wrong it's a good thing that I have them because I have people that I can count on it's just I have made a lot of friends over the past few months but no one tops these girls and what we share, like we said before we're all family and now we've just gotten two new family members. "Yeah I know it still just feels weird how everyone knows about it now. Not even my last school found out or my friends at my other school." We got into the lunchroom and sat down with the others and just veered our way into the conversation they were having. "Has Jackson said anything to you since that day Brandon?" Diamond was asking me from the other side of the table and of course the other girls stopped talking so that they could hear my answer. "He actually hasn't said one word to me. Not even on the bus but, he does look at me every once in awhile and when I see him looking he always looks in a different direction." I could feel my face turning red. "It sounds like he's starting to get used to the idea of you being gay like him" all of the girls had a smile on their face like they knew what was going to happen next. So as we started walking towards the door to walk around before we went to first period we were about halfway when I felt someone grab onto my shoulder so I turned around and saw that it was Jackson. I told the girls to go ahead without me and to just walk around without me so that I could walk around with Jackson. I stayed back to hear what Jackson had to say and I have to say that I was very happy with what he was saying to me because he was apologizing to me for not talking to me for a month just because he found out I was gay. "I really am sorry that I waited so long to talk to you and I shouldn't have been so rude and ignored you on the bus when I knew that I liked you a lot... whoops I didn't mean to say that last part." He looked down at his feet embarrassed. "Don't worry it's fine I'm not mad at you I was mad at myself for not trusting you enough to tell you and I just wish that I had." I had a big smile on my face because he had just admitted to having feelings for me. "Um yeah so I was just wondering if we were still friends even though I was jerk to you and I hope you can forgive me." He sounded so disappointed that I just hugged him right there in front of everyone. But once I realized that I had actually hugged him I quickly moved back and started walking towards the door to walk around when I felt Jackson pull me back and hug me back. I was thinking to myself, "Oh my god is he actually hugging me back or am I imagining this?" but I opened my eyes and realized that he was actually hugging me back. Once he let go of me I looked around to see that people were staring yet again at me in amazement. "Don't worry about them. Let them look all they want I don't care and you have nothing to be ashamed of either." Jackson was reassuring me because he saw the scared look on my face. I turned to him and just smiled. So we left the cafeteria and we just walked around the halls talking to each other, not about the deep stuff but just talking about typical things. The first bell rang and so Jackson walked me to my first class, which I had with Mia, then he said he would see me later and then he left to go to his first class. "So I see that he dropped you off today" Mia was smirking at me. "Yes he did and I really liked it I feel like I have an actual boyfriend and I have to admit feels really nice and different." Mia could definitely tell that I was blushing. I'm pretty sure the whole class could tell. "Oh my gosh I have to admit you guys are so cute together I honestly think that you guys should start dating" Mia was being serious this time. The final bell had rung and it was the end of first period. Mia and I were walking to second period and met up with the other girls like normal but this time I got a text message as we were walking to class, "how long do you think it'll take me until I destroy your life completely?" It was from the same exact number as the others but this time it had a letter next to the message,J, it was the only hint I had at who was ruining my life. At this point I realized that I couldn't hide anything from my friends nor did I want to so I showed them the message. "hey at least you have a hint of who's sending you those messages" Sarah was trying to look on the bright (if there even was one Sarah could find it) unlike Mia and Emerald who both had a mischievous look on their faces. Although the only ones who seemed neutral about the whole situation were Sapphire and Diamond. They thought that it was a good and bad hint because the person left an initial which could be used as a foundation to find out who my stalker is but it is also bad because there's not much to go on besides a single letter. For all we know it might not be an initial after all. "But trust me no one is going to destroy your life as long as we're around. I'm pretty sure that as long as Jackson is around too you'll be fine." I looked over and saw Mia smirking after she made the last comment. I couldn't help but laugh. Lunch time, my favorite time of the day because I can talk to my friends without getting in trouble from the teacher for talking during class. But it's also my favorite time because that's when I can see Jackson. He never sits with me during lunch but he does sit at the table across from mine and that's enough for me. Now Lunch time was over and it was time to go to my last period of the day and that's where I see her again, Ashley, the girl that approached me at the end of class to introduce herself to me. Now that I've gotten used to her being around it's not that strange anymore and I'm not saying it's a bad thing it's just sometimes I feel like she is very aggressive. Not physically aggressive but just passively aggressive. I remember the last time I overheard her talking to someone in the hallway while I was going to class it sounded like she got into some argument. Out of the times that I've encountered her she seemed so nice yet when I heard her talking I had gotten a weird vibe that there was something wrong, "How could you do this I really can't believe you?" Ashley seemed to be raising her voice a little bit, luckily there was no one around because people would definitely notice and she would probably have turned some heads. So I know I probably shouldn't have but I was listening to most of the conversation but I only heard parts of it. Ashley and whoever she was talking to were walking towards my direction because they were done talking so they had to go to class and OMG I couldn't believe who I saw her talking to. "Oh it's you"...
[Authors Note- Hey guys here's another chapter for you guys and I hope you like this one as well. I had already wrote these first 4 chapters so that's why I had published them one after another but now I'm going to have to make new chapters from scratch so it might be a little while before I publish anymore chapters after this one. But I do promise to publish more it will just take some time. So for now I hope you guys enjoy this and please vote and post any comments to my wall on your reactions of my story or if you just want to say something to me. Thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well!]

Destinies of the Demigods
FantasyThis is me trying to write my own book. It sort of features a little of the same types of things in the Percy Jackson series or like any other Demigod themed book. But this is me doing my own little spin on it.