Chapter 2: The Next Day

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I woke up to my alarm and quickly rushed out the door to the bus stop so I could think about things without being interrupted by my parents. The bus finally came so I tried to get on the bus first so that I could sit in the seat I did yesterday and save the spot for Jackson. The bus finally came to Jackson's stop. He was the last one to get on the bus, he saw me and just walked right up to the seat and sat down. I didn't think he was actually being serious when he said that he was going to sit next to me. "Hey Brandon how are you today?" he said with a smile on his face. "Well I'm good thanks for asking Jackson. How about you?" I asked him with the same facial expression. "Well it just got better now that I'm sitting next to you." he said to me with the smile still on his face. I blushed a little bit. "Well that's cool." I turned to look out the window so he wouldn't notice. "Anyway, so did you make any friends so far?" Jackson actually sounded curious. "Actually yeah I made three friends yesterday." He turned to me and asked if I was doing anything on Saturday night and I said no I didn't have anything planned. I asked him why and he told me that he was having a party at his house and thought I would want to go so I told him that why not I didn't have anything better to do anyway. "Wow my first, I wonder what it's going to be like." I was talking to myself in my head. I asked him why he would invite me if he hardly even knew me and he told me that's why he was inviting me. He said that he would rather have more time to talk to me then just on the bus ride to and from school. We finally got to school and I went right into the cafeteria to have breakfast when I saw the girls from the other day. "Hey Brandon" they all said in unison like they were excited to see me. "Hey guys" I responded with just a smile my face. "What are you so happy about?" Emerald just came right out and asked me what she really wants to know. "Oh it's nothing." I turned away so that I could try to conceal my smile from them. "Oh come on tell us it's not like we're going to tell anyone!" said Sarah while trying to convince me that they wouldn't tell anyone. I finally gave in and told them about what the other day with Jackson and I also told them about this morning on the bus. After I stopped talking they all turned and looked at each other like something was wrong, "What what's wrong?" now I was curious,and a little concerned, to know what their hiding. "Um well I were you I would make sure that his ex-girlfriend doesn't see you with him or she will go crazy" Mia was trying to warn me. "Who's his ex girlfriend?" I wanted to know so I could see what the big deal was with her. "His ex is one of those people who thinks she is better than everyone else. Her name Nikki." Sarah was whispering to me so that no one could hear her saying it. "Well why do I have to be careful aren't they done with each other?" I still wasn't sure why I had to watch out for her. "Well Jackson is definitely over Nikki but she thinks that they're still together because she doesn't want to admit that they're over. But, Jackson broke up with her over the summer because he found out he that he was gay and didn't like Nikki anymore." After Emerald told me that I had an even bigger smile on my face because since Jackson was gay. Now I realized why he was so interested in me. But, what I didn't get was why me when he looked the way he did and because he was so popular. For the rest of the day I had that same question going through my head, "Why me? Why would he be interested in me?". It was five minutes before the last bell was about to ring when I suddenly got a text from an unknown number, "I know why you had to move here and I know what you did. Trust me I would watch your back because your friends might be there for you now but they won't if I tell them what you did."

[Authors Note- Hey guys I know I'm still a little new to creating these stories but I'm getting the hang of it I think. If you like the story so far then vote please. Also I don't know how often I will be publish more chapters but it depends on how you guys feel about this story or if I just decide to keep continuing until I'm done. But, either way I will be posting new chapters whenever I get the chance to. On another note if you like this story of mine or just feel like reading something then check out my other book, "Reality Life With BTS", which I will also try to update whenever I have the chance. Thank you guys so much for taking time to read my story!]

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