Bad Day

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Fabians POV

Yesterday was interesting for me and my parents. My father ended up getting a promotion and then gets fired the next day, it wasn't a big deal since my mom makes all the money in the family. Look I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda rich. And i brag about it to my friends sometimes. But i stopped because I'm an idiot and i forget everyone isn't as gifted as me.

I was walking to school doing my normal routine when i hear a "Hey!" In the distance. It's Megan running up to me breathless acting like she ran a marathon.

"Hey! *Pant* fab *pant* Ian" she said catching her breath during each word

"Hey how are you?" I said being nice to her for once

"Oh I'm good but i need to talk to you right now" she said with a serious face

"Is this about Issac because i don't wanna talk about it" i said turning around and crossing my arms like a child

"Well it is and your gonna listen to me because it's important.."
She said even more serious to the point where i got scared

I turned around to face her still crossing my arms.

"Issac told me to tell you... he doesn't want to talk to you for a While like a long time he said he needed a break..." she said

I instantly started sweating and swearing under my breath. My day went from good to bad in the span of 10 minutes i knew why he was mad.
After the mall trip i called him to make sure that he wasn't jealous of mine and Patrick's friendship and sure as hell he was. He told me how he loved me and how he couldn't see me with anyone else. I told him he had to respect my friendships and my life. He said he would and he knows, then i went on to tell him more about Patrick and told him that he's the "only friend" who's actually been there for me. My dumbass self forgot he was on the other line and he ended the call and i haven't heard from him since...

"Well tell him I'll give him all the space he needs" i said trying to hold in my tears

I walked away from Megan soon as i said that.
I was hurt....
I was confused.....
I was kinda broken......
I didn't know what to do.......


But i understood why.


I decided to hang with Patrick and ignore my sadness. He was acting weird but i liked it. I finally realized that my perviness was rubbing on him. He was being a complete pervert the entire lunch. It killed me and it had me laughing the entire time.

After lunch i headed into the PE locker-rooms i completely forgot that i have a locker with Issac which got me sad. He walked in not looking at me at all he got dressed faster then usual and stormed off as if someone tried to hurt him. " i can't stand to see him hurt like this" i thought. Apologies weren't enough. He said to give him space and I'm doing the best i can. I just sighed and walked out the locker room. I sat down in my line and just stared into the clouds and just imagined.
"How can i make it up to him"....
"what if he never talks to me again"......."
"what if-"

"OK CLASS" teacher said very loudly


I hated running with a passion i wasn't slow it's just annoying to run i just never liked it. We got up to run and i just sprinted. i didn't want to run so i just sprinted. I was thinking too hard to jog like i normally do. Plus i don't want to end up being behind Issac or be near him right now.

I finished in 5 minutes and went to go play basketball. Second to finish was Eric, then Steve then Issac. He came over by my court and i smiled at him. He completely ignored me and acted like the entire court was empty. I got pissed and almost threw the ball at him. I was lucky i missed.

"What the hell was that for?" He said looking at me angrily

"Oh sorry i thought you were a ghost i didn't see you there" i said with a smart remark i gave him a " i wanted to throw it at you" bullshit smile.

I went back to playing basketball and i felt terrible. I wanted to hit myself with the ball. Today was at least my worst day ever. I never acted like this unless i was playing around with him. God i hate myself

It was the end of school and i walked home wanting to hit myself with a rock. How could i be a bitch to the one person i trust and love ( besides Patrick). I honestly hated my life at that point and i just need to sleep it off.

I went home and ignored my parents "welcome home my child" entrance. I ran up to my room and just jumped on my bed took off my shirt and tried to sleep. I just couldn't forget that moment. I honestly think he hates me now. I can't ever forgive myself for what i did. i don't know how I'm gonna ever apologize for this...

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