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(( If you don't know who some of these characters are...don't worry about it :3. It's just a Recap ))

WELP...we're back with another REEECAAAAP! SO LETS BEGIN! Every one was helping out with the raptors, who were invaiding base camp.. Trying to kill them all :P.

And just then, Dream realized that dinosaurs ACTUALLY existed, loosing his memory he didn't realize...

He got a knife, stabbed and murdered some raptors, and the job waas done! EVERYONE had beat the animals!  And After this, Dream NEARLY turned into a horrific murderer. But was STOPPED by that " Night Time Killer "

It hid in the shadows during sun down, and BIT Dream right across the leg! Causing him to roll his eyes into the back of his head, fall onto te ground, and shake violently. With horrified people trying to wake him up ( ex: Thunder, Emma )

Dr. Sorkin ran up, and told everyone he was going into Anaphlactic Shock, and he would DIE without treatment in less then a hour...

And then ZOEY came out! With her dark aura, she ATTMEPTED to kill off the group. But sorkin held Zoey / Savanna of from the group. While the others ran towards a eledged temtple.

When they FINALLY made it, they ran inside, and Emma used a forcefeild to keep Zoey out. Dr. Sorkin was SUPPOSED to set Drem into a fountin in the temple that basically " healed him ". But stopped when she saw the bite, and dropped him down. Saying that the fountin WOULDN'T work.

Dr. Sorkin gave a syrenge to Thunder, which was grabbed by Emma...but before they injected it. Dream began to heavily breathe, and continued to shake violently. His eyes were almosot fully diluted. But Sorkin ran up, injected the syrum and ANOTHER syrum, and with a little healing magic, DREAM WAS FIXED!

But soon, Zoey broke through, causing the group to run to a small area underground, and Sorkin inserted a key into a steel door to continue.

They ran down a metal path until they made it to a small room, but they were stopped by the hisses of the "Night Killer". Along with Zoey / Savanna laughing hysterically in the backround.

Dr. Sorkin opened the door, to reveil a mauled body of a monster. It was a Sans, his eyes were fully diluted, there was blood on his face and legs. There was a gap in his stomach, and inside where ferns, and shrubbery. Inside that...eggs. And at that momment, Dream woke up, AND HE HAD HIS MEMORY BACK!

But Soon, Dr. Sorkin had something else to tell them. She had realized what the "Night Killers" where once she found out about the bite. 

They were called Troodon, and DUUUUN DUUUN DUUUUN. Dr. Sorkin was keeping them IN  CAPTIVITY, at THE BASE CAMP, in SECRET. She thought if the officials where to find out, they would be killed on the spot, and she had NO WHERE ELSE to put them. She had also thought that they found a way to escape and found a way to breed and make MORE Troodon.

Dream couldn't hold in his rage, and took a knife and threatened to kill Dr. Sorkin, because she risked her friends lives for studies. Soon, Emma got on the action, but rejected quickly after Sorkin pleaded. Dream, however, had to be knocked out, and when he woke up, he turned back to normal

Dream layed near a door, after a talk with Emma and Thunder, while Sorkin and Star were trying to open a crate they needed to open to get out. And it turns out, Sorkin found out that the dead body was ACTUALLY LustBerry, and if Thunder where to would be bad. But just then they heard the Troodon along the door, hissing. Dream shot up, with them not opening the door yet, and soon, they heard more. This time, from a large crevice in the middle of a wall. Dream took care of this though, and used a sovel to keep back a Troodon. It turns out that these Troodons had large white eyes, and a grey and red coloring, with small quills onto their backs.

But then, MORE Troodons came from a vent. Thunder, however, took that role, and kept back many of these ferrile beasts with a Iron tail. Dr. Sorkin had ran to the crate at this point, and was trying to open it.

But soon, the Troodon's had entered the room from the door, and Everyone ELSE was shooting at the Troodons. But soon, one of these Troodons jumped over, and ran at Sorkin. She looked down, and saw a Flare, and she soon began to smile. She took the flare, opened it up, and "flared"' it up, and the Troodon to jump backward, hissing at the light. It turns out that Troodon's hate light, what with them being nocturnal and everything.

And that's ALL that had happened so far! Our group could go two ways, meet their inevetible doom, or escape and run away. The chances are high for both sides, so which one will OUR small group go down? Let us wait, and see what happenes...

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