Soul Piece?

45 7 41

Dream: Black wants Blue's soul piece...

Dream: He didn't steal my music box...and it has a soul piece...

Dream: ...

Dream: At least I THINK I have it still...

* Dream searches around in a bag, and takes out a small golden music box *

Dream: * Sighs *

Dream: If only there were more pieces...

Dream: ...wait...

* Dream goes onto Wattpad, to the newest chapter about what Black is doing *

* Dream sees a comment, that says someone else has a soul piece *

Dream: :O

Dream: Could this mean? 

Dream: We can re create him?

Dream: ...

Dream: THATS why he wants the pieces! We could re create Blue with them if we want!

Dream: Although, he may just want to destroy all evidence of Blue...

* Dream sees what Black's doing *

Dream: Ooooh jeez. I gotta be careful with this thing...

* Dream walks into the shadows, as he places the music box in a secret place *

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