Chapter 4: Welcome To Charms High

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Jinx waited. It was 14:00pm and she was still at the station. As usual Jinx’s luck had worked against her. She had arrived at the station at 8:00 AM, 15 minutes before her train would arrive. Unfortunately the train had been delayed and the next one would come at 14:20PM. This was typical for Jinx’s luck. She sat on the bench waiting.

Jinx was thinking about how to explain why she was late to the school, when she heard the sound of a train. She quickly got up and ran to the platform ready to get on. Jinx found a seat and sat down. She got out the letter that Charms High sent and reread it several times.

 It took two hours for the train to reach Charms High. It was located deep in the country outside of London and at least another hour to drive to the school. Jinx had a feeling that she would defiantly miss her first day of school. Hopefully they’ll understand, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Jinx awoke two hours later. It was time to get off the train. She rubbed her eyes and picked up her backpack and suitcase ready to leave the train. She walked off the platform and left the station. As soon as she walked out she noticed a black mini- cab waiting for her. 

“Excuse me but are you the driver that’s taking me to Charms High School for Gifted Girls?” Jinx asked as she walked over to the mini-cab.

The driver was a middle-aged bald man. He looked up at Jinx. “It depends are you Jane Grey?” the driver asked in a cockney accent.

 It took Jinx several seconds to understand his unfamiliar accent but then she nodded.

“Well come on then, hop on. Let me put ya bags in the boot. We got a long drive ahead of us to the school.” He said walking out of the car and carrying her luggage to the boot. 

“Thanks” Jinx mumbled and went to sit in the car.

They left the station and drove off to the school. They were in the car for about 10 minutes and Jinx could feel the driver staring at her every few seconds. It made her feel uneasy.

“Something wrong?” she asked feel rather annoyed and awkward at the same time. 

“Nothing! No… It’s just you seem different from the other girls that go to this school.” He said rather quickly.

Jinx looked at him with a puzzled expression. “What do you mean?” she asked. The driver hesitated. 

“Well… you’re a little different from them lot that come here… the others, they do strange unnatural things… and are mysterious. We always get an uneasy feeling around the girls. Some say they are witches, ya know immortals.” He answered rather quickly.

His tone sounded nervous as if he was scared of Jinx. Jinx couldn't help but smile. Witches!  As if. It’s probably just some old story, to scare tourists She thought. The rest of the car journey was silent.

 Soon Jinx arrived to a large old grey mansion with light grey walls and black iron gates. Next to the building was a sign that said Charms High, School for Gifted Girls. Next to the sign appeared to be a statue of a black cat. 

“Well this is where you get off missy” replied the driver.

 He got out and gave Jinx her belongings and then left after Jinx gave him his money.  Jinx stared at the road as he left. She then turned back to the building and walked past the black cat statue which Jinx could have sworn turned its head towards her and smile evilly.

Jinx shuddered and continued walking. When she came close to the coal black iron gates they mysteriously opened at her presence. Weird Jinx thought. She continued walking and opened the old wooden doors of the mansion. 

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