Meeting him

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Meeting him

Our meeting was by chance. I had been flying low over the land looking at all of God’s beauty when I saw him. He was lying in a field of grass gazing up at the sky. I landed a way off, out of sight of him, and folded my wings against my back. Having them hidden I walked over to him. “Hello there,” I called out, “I need some help.” His head turned and I let out a small gasp of surprise. “What’s wrong,” he asked. I shook my head. “Nothing. I can’t remember.” He stood up and walked closer to me. “Why are you out here?” he asked softly, “Alone and defenseless?”

I looked at him.  He was slightly taller than my five nine self. He had sharp features on pale skin and medium length black hair. To me he was very attractive and I felt my stomach flutter. His hand rose and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. His touch was cold but soft. “Why are you here?” he asked. “Why are you here?” I parroted. He gave me a sad smile. “I was waiting for an angel to fly by but one walked up to me instead,” he said, his hand lingering behind my ear. I blushed. His hand lowered and we just gazed into each other’s eyes. His red eyes were like a dark fire burning into my soul. “Might I know your name?” I whispered.

“Daemon. My name is Daemon,” he told me, “And yours?”


“Angelum. That’s a beautiful name.”

“And yours is very frightening.”

 He smiled at me.

“Maybe I am frightening,” he murmured leaning closer.

 As badly as I wanted to I managed to step away. “I should be going,” I said. He smiled sadly at me again. “I understand. Will you meet me again?” I smiled. “Maybe.” I then walked away from him and out of sight. I unfolded my wings and took to the sky. Daemon was lying back on the ground looking up at the sky again. I smiled and flew over him at an air breaking speed. Maybe I should return tomorrow.

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