Chapter 4

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Elain sat in the warm water and sunk until she could feel her hair floating around her face, she ran her hands down her arms and shuddered as she let her mind run wild. They wouldn't let her out of her room ever since the vision she had; Feyre had even made Azriel stand watch outside of her rooms. Elain wanted to speak to Tamlin, she needed him to know about the full vision she had; and if she didn't, he might end up dead.
She stood from the bath she had been soaking in for what felt like hours and wrapped a robe around her small frame, walking to where her food had been placed for her. A note delicately colored with flowers, she smiled and picked it up assuming it was from Feyre or maybe Azriel.

'Elain, I need to meet with you tonight. Please be ready by midnight To leave your room, I'll be at your door then.'

As she searched for a name there wasn't one to be found. Elain tucked the note under her pillow as she heard a knock on her door,
  "Come in" she tightened her robe and pulled the blanket over her legs.
  "How are you?" Lucien asked as he walked to the bed. He hadn't spoken to Elain since they had arrived.
  "I'm fine, thank you." She gave him a smile as she ran a hand through her hair, tugging on her robe tighter. Lucien's stare went from her eyes to her chest, noticing she wasn't wearing anything underneath. "I'm sorry to just come in unannounced like this, but after hearing what Tamlin did to you; I needed to see you. To know you were ok." His hands were warm as he brushed the hair away from her cut on her forehead.
  "He didn't do anything to me, I'm fine, really. There's no need for you to be here checking on me."
  "Elain what have I ever done to you to make you not want to be with me?" He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently, "surely you can't ignore the bond between us." Elains face changed and she furrowed her brows together.
  "From What Rhys has told me, the bond does not always click both ways. And I believe that is what has happened in our situation." She gave his hand a squeeze and tried to pull away as he kissed her hand, his breathing hitched as her scent filled his nose. "Elain, I-I need you. I've already lost a mate....I can't loose you." He leaned in to kiss her, pausing an inch away.
  "Lucien please, I don't want to deal with this right now." She put a hand on his chest and he leaned in and kissed her. Elain pulled away quickly and held her knees to her chest; she had never been kissed by anyone other than Grayson. Elains breath was shaky as she collected herself, "I would like for you to leave, Lucien."
  "Elain don't do this."
  "Now." Her voice cracked and she held her composure until she was sure he was far away from her room. Elain felt her eyes watering as she let out a sob and hugged her knees, she knew it wasn't normal for a female to reject the bond. It wasnt necessarily rare but the fact that she wasn't truly fae made her think she would never be able to accept a mating bond. Would she ever want to be that close and connected with someone else? It all seemed so unreal, something in her always trembled when she saw Lucien; his perfect skin and silky hair, and those lips. She had never been kissed by anyone other than Grayson, and when he kissed her it never felt like that. Something about Lucien always made her stomach uneasy, and the way that he looked at her with such a hunger. A certain desire, raw lust, love. That's what a mating bond held. And she just fully rejected it.
Elain cried for what felt like hours, letting everything that had happened the past years flow through her tears. She fell asleep before she could remember to dress herself to be ready tonight.
Elain was wakened by a knock on her door, she shot up from bed and rubbed her eyes searching for light. She had nearly forgotten about the note, and whoever had written saying they would be here at midnight. She stretched as she walked to her door and peaked her head to see who was the writer of her note.
  To her surprise it was Tamlin, he was leaning against a pillar and smirking. Elain felt her face heat up at the thought of having him in her room at night. She would have never done this years back, but Elain was not the girl she used to be. Without a second thought she let him inside her room and she lit a candle to see more clearly.
  "What was so important that you needed to see me in the middle of the night to discuss?" She yawned and crossed her arms.
  "Would you like to dress yourself fully before we talk?" Tamlin raised his brows and smirked as she blushed and hurried into the bathroom and threw on a deep blue silk dress she had taken from Feyre. Elain dipped her chin out of reflex as she entered the room again, she carefully sat on her bed as he joined her.
  "I tried to let Feyre give me permission to come visit you to see how you were but she refused every time."
  "And why would you need to see me?"
  "I need to know who wants me dead."
Elain felt as if she stopped breathing and looked up at his face, his features held no amusement and the candle flickered as she let out a breath. "It's hard to explain, Tamlin. I'd rather do this another time." She tried to stand up but he had gripped her wrist and made her sit down. Her eyes widened as his grip tightened, his eyes met hers and she tried to pull away.
  "Elain, if you don't tell me who it is then I might die. And if they are coming soon, then you'll be put in danger and so will your family and friends."
  "Tamlin please let go.." as she finished speaking he let her wrist go and pulled a strand of loose hair behind his ear.
  "I'm sorry, I just get angry easily. I'm worried, I'm sure you can understand why."
  "Of course... but I'm not sure I can provide you with the information you need." She Inhaled deeply and positioned herself in such a way so that she could move quickly within a second. "The people in my vision- they weren't the same. She, or it, changed too quickly. It was in the form of a high fae when it tried to kill you." She avoided looking him in the eyes as she started shaking.
  "Elain, weren't you just talking about seeing a changeling in the gardens the other day..?" He looked at Elain the same time she let her tears start rolling down her face. "You're going to die, aren't you?"
  "Not if I can do anything about it, But I'll need you to help me." He grabbed her hand softly and grinned. "Would you be willing to help me and my court?" Tamlin lowered his voice and didn't let her eyes leave his face.
  "Feyre won't let me."
  "Why do you need her permission?"
  "I-" she looked at him fully for the first time. She saw sorrow in his eyes, regret and bitterness. How could she refuse to help someone who had so much sadness already in his life. "I suppose she doesn't need to know about it." Elain tried to smile but felt weak, remembering what the person in her vision looked like took a lot out of her. She was always weak after she had a vision, but remembering them was worse. Elain shut her eyes right and gripped his hand,
"I'm scared..." he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Tamlin wrapped his arms around her and ran a hand along her back.
  "Just get some rest tonight, we can talk more tomorrow."
"What if it knows I told you? Will it come for me?" Her eyes were watering as she looked up at Tamlin, he didn't know how to respond. He didn't even know the girl so why would he go out of his way to protect her?
  "I'll make sure no one harms you. I'll stay here tonight if that would make you feel better." He tried to sound reassuring. Elain knew she shouldn't feel safe but she couldn't help it, he was so strong and powerful. Elain looked at him with concern on her face, this man had nearly driven Feyre insane by keeping her locked up in this manor. And here she was, asking him to keep her safe.
  "Do you promise?"
  "How do I know you won't use this against me, or maybe even use this as a way to get to Feyre and Rhys so that you can do something to Velaris." Elain crosses her arms as she read Tamlin face, he was truly considering not answering. For a moment his mouth just stayed open until he pulled his jacket off and sat on the chair nearby. "Elain, I wish no harm upon you. I'll stay here to ensure your safety; why would I want to hurt the only person who's never seen me as a monster?" Half of the truth. Elain could sense he didn't want to hurt her, his intentions seemed true. But she had thought of him as a monster, she still sees him as one. But everyone deserves a second chance.
  "Take this blanket." Elain tosses him one of the folded blankets that was provided for her Incase she got too cold.
  "I doubt I'll be getting much sleep's kind of hard to close your eyes knowing someone wants you dead." He scoffed and leaned back in the chair.

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