Part 2

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So this chapter is more about Elain than Tammy, but next chapter im gonna try and focus on Tamlin !!!! also i really feel like that Elain truly hates being a seer and a fae, so im gonna write her that way?? I also feel like she has this kinda of jealousy of Feyre and Nesta bc they are so strong and independent and shes still seen as weak in their eyes soooo!! hope you guys enjoy! please comment if you have any tips or suggestions!!


The stories Feyre came back telling us, the nightmares she had, those countless nights she spent throwing up and crying due to what had happened under the mountain. and he never once noticed. Elain had never thought too much on any of it, she had only been interested in coming here for the scenery. How much more foolish could she be? Sometimes Elain wishes she could just go back in time rather be a Seer, at least she would be useful then.

"You will not go anywhere with him, he is not to be trusted. He is a monster." Elain tried to talk herself out of wanting to visit the gardens with him tomorrow, yet she still had a desire to go. She hadn't seen such beautiful gardens since she was a human. Life was so much more simple then; No monsters, demons, immortal beings, or curses. But now she's stuck inside this body that doesn't feel like hers, there's always this underlying cold, distant feeling she can never get rid of. No matter how many people Elain surrounds herself with; it never leaves her and its draining her every day.

"Elain, are you alright?" She heard Nestas voice as the door slowly opened. "We've been worried about you ever since Az said tamlin was walking you around." Nesta came and sat on the bed with her as Elain rested her head on Nestas shoulder.

"You cant do that again, you know that right? We cannot trust you with him."

"Trust me with him?" Elain looked up at Nesta.

"You know what I mean, he's dangerous and you're weak." She paused trying to rephrase her sentence. "I mean- we just- youre so easily manipulated and fragile, we cant risk it. Feyre thinks it would be best if someone stayed with you at all times. Maybe Az." Elain pulled away from her sister and folded her legs, trying to understand what she meant. Elain knew she wasn't as talented as Feyre with combat, or as quick witted with her words like Nesta, but she could hold her ground. She felt her face heating up as Nesta continued rambling about everything that had happened.

"I'd like for you to leave." Elain said abruptly cutting her sister off.

"Excuse me?" Nestas eyes widened as she looked at Elain.

"I wish to be alone, Nesta. I've had enough for one day, I will see you at dinner- if I even go." Elain stood up and folded her arms.

"Elain, this is not like you. Whats wrong? Did-did he do something to you?" Nestas face hardened as she reached up for Elain, but she pulled away.

"What? No- He took me to my room that's all. This has nothing to do with anyone else." Elains voice cracked but she regained herself quickly, "I just want to be alone, away from you guys." She looked up at Nesta wide eyed and realized what she had said, opening her mouth to apologize as nesta began speaking harshly.

"All we do is try to help you, to make sure you are well rested and eating. You cant take care of yourself, Elain, anyone can see that. I'll be back in an hour to get you for dinner. Do not leave your room." Nesta stood and went to leave the room as Elain silently apologized.

"I didn't mean any of it, im just tired..." Elain said. Nesta gave her a concerned look as she shut the door. She was tired, that part was true. But she meant everything she said. Elain was tired of how they treated her, the past five years they've brought her food in the morning, brought her fresh clothes and ran a bath for her. After her morning routine she would be escorted by Azriel to the gardens and she stayed there most of the time. If Elain was lucky she could walk herself to dinner in the evenings. All they wanted was to help her, to heal her after what had happened with the cauldron. But Elain just needed to live freely, make her own decisions. And she would never have the heart to tell any of them. But they felt she couldn't be left alone, why? Because she was a Seer, and not only that but she was already the weakest and most vulnerable sister.

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