Chapter 5

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Tamlin took caution as he left her room, he knew his servants would talk so he made it a point to avoid conversations with them. As he kept a steady pace back to his room he ran into Nesta, the slender woman snarled at him and he merely dipped his chin before continuing.
   "Watch where you're going, you could've made me fall you bastard."
   "I surely wouldn't want that to happen, now would I?" Tamlin paused as he spoke, giving her a cocky smirk before walking again. He heard her mumble a strand of curses and he laughed to himself. That girl- woman, rather, was as vicious as any beast that roamed prynthian. Her eyes held a darkness that chilled his bones, unlike anything he's seen before. Yet she was beautiful, in a devastating way.
  Tamlin teaching his rooms and quickly changed, her scent was all over him. He hadn't intended on staying the full night with her- he only wanted to stay until she fell asleep, then he would have slipped out. But instead, she had that pained him to see someone so vulnerable in so much pain. The way he once thought of Feyre, except he always knew she could care for herself. Elain seemed to be the meekest out of the sisters, she still seemed very human. Tamlin knew he shouldn't have stayed last night, especially not in her bed, the poor girl had probably never even been that close to a man before. Yet here he was, letting his body call the shots and staying in her bed. He ran a hand through his hair and groaned as he started the water, he needed to rid himself of her scent before their meeting with Rhys and Feyre. Although it tempted him to see Feyres face when she would smell her sister on him. Tamlin almost didn't shower as the thought crossed his mind but he knew there were bigger issues to be addressed.
  As he got out of the shower and dressed himself in a deep green tunic he couldn't keep him mind away from Elain. She was the first seer he had ever met, and yet she was so fragile. Ready to trust and believe anyone who came by. Tamlin could break her, he knew he could if he wanted to. He could have her grow close to him then use her for his own good. He wouldn't lie; the thought was tempting, but he knew he didn't want to be like that. He wouldn't risk ruining another girls life just to benefit himself. He wanted to make a name for himself and he didn't want the other high lords to think of him as a selfish and lying bastard. it had taken him five years to regain the trust of the three high lords. Tamlin had been working in redeeming himself, he had been working on what happened under the mountain. His skin crawled at the thought of the mountain, he shoved it down. He shoved down her face, her hands, the things she did to everyone he cared about.
  Before Tamlin knew it he had gone into a rage, as his breathing steadied itself he looked around at the room he destroyed. Yet again, he would have to apologize to the servants and beg for them to fix it. Tamlin heard a knock on his door and he fixed his shirt as he opened the door, seeing one of his maids frowning up at him.
   "I came to tell you lunch is ready, and now that I'm here I'm seeing we will have to fix your room again. Would you like us to bring your food to you?"
   "No thank you, elise. I'll come get it myself, oh and have Elain Archeron meal ready as I will be taking it to her myself." Tamlin walked out of his room as Elise clicked her tongue and started cleaning. He felt bad for the amount of times he had made her and the other fix his mistakes, yet he had more important matters at hand than to worry about fixing a room.


Elain paced her room as she waited for someone to knock, she didn't care who at this point, just anyone. She didn't bother showering because she couldn't bare going into another room without someone with her. She knew it was safe in the room she was in because she had surveyed every last inch. A loud knock startled her but she wasted no time in opening the door, she saw that it was Tamlin and jerked him inside before he could even say hello. She scanned his face looking for anything unusual, Elain slowed her breathing and calmed herself down. She walked to the window and looked out at the garden, trying to keep her mind off of the meeting she was about to have. Before she could turn around Tamlin had already walked up behind her, as he pulled his hair up Elain watched him. His skin seemed so perfect, it was so warm to her touch, she wanted to just grab his hand but knew it was inappropriate to do so.
Even though last night he slept in her bed, she would not let herself act as if there were feelings for each other. She needed him in her life so that she could warn him and he promised to protect her. That's all that was there, no friendship, no relationship, just a deal. She stared out of the window, tamlin still slightly behind her.
   "It's beautiful isn't it? The flowers blooming and spreading."
   "I had my eyes elsewhere"
  "You know, flirting is a horrible habit to engage in."
  "Only if you do it wrong."
Elain smiled as she kept her focus on the garden, trying not to engage in the conversation. Even though he was helping her, he still had done horrible things in the past. And has yet to apologize properly for them. "Feyre and Rhysand should be here soon." She stood up and faced tamlin.
  "And?" His figure towered over hers.
  "And don't you think you should leave and then come back? I don't have the energy to deal with Feyres anger today."
  "Why would she be angry?" He smirked and crossed his arms.
  "Well, because she's very protective of me and not very fond of you at all. Put me and you in a room together....Alone...and she won't be too thrilled about it." Her face reddened.
  "But there's nothing going on, surely with her mind powers she can see that." He mocked the word powers. Elain sighed and fiddled with her fingers before continuing,
  "I suppose you're right."
  "Unless there is something...." he had a mischievous grin on his face as he stepped closer. Elain took a step back nearly tripping before his hand wrapped around her waist. "Tamlin, this is rather inappropriate. W-we barely have known each other for-" he cut her off as he placed a kiss on her lips. Elain froze, her whole body felt like it was on fire; the tips of her ears were tingling and she pulled away. She wanted to be angry but couldn't bring herself to it, too much had happened. Tamlins arm was still wrapped tightly around her waist, she hadn't notice until she tried to walked away. She heard a knock on her door and looked at Tamlin, "we are discussing this as soon as they leave. I'm giving you boundaries, and rules to follow if you want my help anymore. I know sure as hell you need my help, but I will give you no more than that." She let out a stressed sigh and collected herself before opening the door, she felt the anger boil in her as Tamlin snickered behind her. Elain smiled meekly as she saw Feyre and Rhys standing, as if they were glued together, and invited them in. Feyre seemed ecstatic and hugged Elain, telling her she was thrilled she asked to see them. Rhys walked close behind and froze as he saw Tamlin leaning against the wall with a stupid grin on his face.
  "Why is he here?" Rhys said with little patience, "and why does he smell like you?" His face scrunched up and he nearly gagged. Feyre seemed to be just as disgusted and gripped my arm, her nails digging into me.
  "Feyre stop, you're hurting me." I yanked my arm away from her and rubbed it, Tamlin walked up behind me and put his hand behind my back, slightly enough so they wouldn't see. Elain could hear his heart beating fast.
  "We have important matters to discuss." Elain spoke evenly.
  "Like?" Rhys spoke instead of feyre and Elain couldn't have been more happy about it, feyre would have probably just shot endless insults at Tamlin.
  Elain cleared her throat, "my vision, it was one of death. There is someone who wants tamlin and his court dead."
"That wouldn't be so bad." Feyre snorted.
  "They want me dead as well, Feyre." Elaine head started to throb, she closed her eyes for a moment before continuing. "I had a dream last night, she- the creature, ripped my throat out." Elain fought back any emotion as she saw feyres face darken, same with Rhysands. Tamlin ran his thumb in circles on her back, Elain smiled to herself.
  "And so you decided to tell this bastard before us? So he can what, protect you? He won't do anything for anyone other than himself, Elain."
  "Feyre, please stop being like this. Haven't we all done horrible things? Can't you just move on? There's a more important matter at hand, peoples lives." She let out a sigh and rubbed her head. The throbbing had increased and she felt dizzy. Rhys and Feyre has started talking to themselves, discussing what to do in their heads.
  "Tamlin I don't feel too well..."
  "What's wrong? Is it just these two arrogant-"
  "I'm serious." Elain started to walk to the bed, Tamlins hand still pressing on her back, helping her to the bed. Feyre looked up and saw tamlins hand on Elain, she immediately was at Elaine side as she sat on the bed. "Elain what is it?"
  "I just- I feel dizzy."
  "Are you seeing something?"
  "No, I'm just stressed." She looked at Tamlin and he smiled kindly.
   "How about everyone leaves and I stay with you, would that help." Feyre shot Tamlin a glare. Elain groaned. "How about you and Rhys leave, because you are the two who are causing this excess stress." Elain sighed and squeezed feyres hand as she stood up.
  "I love you, Feyre."
  "I love you too." Her voice was angry and bitter as she spoke, she quickly left the room with Rhys close behind.

"That went well." Tamlin let out a short laugh and squeezed her hand.
  "Boundaries, Tamlin, boundaries." She pulled her hand away. Elain smiled and stood up, "I need to soak in the bath for a while. If you want you can come back with dinner and stay for the night."
He waved his hand as she disappeared into the bathroom, "yea yea, kick me out and have me bring you your stuff."
  "Stop complaining, at least you don't have to bring Nesta her food." Elain shouted as she started rubbing the water.
  After a couple minutes of trying to get the water hot she gave up with frustration and moaned. "Are you still here Tamlin?" She peeked her head out from the door and looked, there he was sitting in her bed reading a book. "Did you expect me to leave right away? I've got nothing better to do than babysit you." He smirked.
  "Can you help me? The water won't heat." She chose to ignore his comment on babysitting and waited for him to come help. As he walked into the bathroom Elain wrapped her towel tightly around her, staying close to the corner.
  "Maybe it wasn't heating because you weren't doing it right, Elain." He laughed and started running the water. Elain blushes and pushed him out, he paused in the doorway.
  "You're astonishing."
  "Excuse me?" Elain raised an eyebrow, "stop drooling, and get out please." Tamlin walked behind her and placed a quick kiss on her neck. Elains body shuddered and she turned around to face him. "How about you go?" She smiled as he smirked and stepped closer.
  "Why would I do that?"
  "Maybe because we aren't together like this."
  "Who says we couldn't be?" Tamlin kissed her neck again, tilting her jaw up as he spoke. "How about you forget the bath?" Elain laughed and put a hand on his chest, she stood on her toes and paused before he kissed her. "Go." She shoved him out and locked the door, slipping into her bath and sighing. Elain smiled to herself and let her worries slip away.
  Tamlin leaned against the door and sunk to the floor. He smiled up towards the ceiling and mumbled to himself, "Give it time."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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