I'm Grace Walsh

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  "Hey everyone, this is my little sister." Shane says. "Want to introduce yourself?" He asks me. I nod.

  "Hello everybody, my name is Grace Walsh." I say

  "Hello." Everybody replies. They all line up to introduce themselves.

  "I'm Dale. It's very nice to meet you." A man in his mid-sixties says. I shake his hand.

  "I'm Amy, Andrea's little sister." A 17 year old girl says.

  "I'm Carol and this is my daughter Sophia and that is my husband Ed." The woman says pointing to a man smoking a cigarette.

  "I'm Jim." A quiet man says.

  "What a nice introduction." I tell Shane.

  "Yeah. Jim's the quiet one. Now I want you to listen me right now. Do not mess with Ed, do you hear me? He's a troublemaker and he beats his wife. I don't want you apart of that." He explains.

  I nod. "I understand." I say. He nods before walking off.

  Morales creates a small fire and we all sit around it, eating beans. "Anyone care about what Daryl Dixon is gonna say when he finds out that his brother was handcuffed and on a roof?" Dale asks.

  Daryl must be Merle's brother. "Yeah, he's not gonna be out hunting forever." Glenn says.

  "I should tell him. I dropped the key, it's on me." T-Dog says.

"No, I handcuffed him. That makes it my fault." Rick says.

  "Guys there's no reason to argue about it. Don't mean to bring racism into this but it might sound better coming from a white guy." Glenn says.

  "I did what I did. No reason to hide from it." T-Dog says.

  "I'm going to bed." I tell everyone.

  Andrea looks happy right I after I say that. Weird.

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