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Grace's POV

  "I have to see my brother." Daryl pleaded before we could walk out the door. I was getting a smoke grenade ready but I stopped when I heard what he said.

  "Daryl we have to get out of here. We're in hostile territory." I concluded. My military past was showing.

  "I know you haven't seen him in a while and I know you want to see him. Hell, if it was Shane I'd feel the same way. But right now he is the enemy. We're in the middle of a war. Meet him some other day." I convinced him.

  Daryl hesitated before nodding. I nodded once. "Good, let's get this show on the road." I said.

  I tore the frag off the smoke grenade while Rick opened the door a little. I threw the grenade out the door and I waited for the 'psh' sound before running outside and shooting at the enemy.

  I heard other gunshots coming from both sides meaning I caught the enemy's attention.

  "Run for that bus! On the other side is a way out of here!" I shouted at the group. Glenn led Maggie towards the bus while I grabbed Oscar's collar. "Let's go!" I shouted at him.

  Maggie climbed up first. After Maggie got over the gate Oscar tried to climb. But a gunshot rang out and he tumbled to the ground. He was shot in the heart.

  "Rick!" I screamed. I swallowed hard before shooting him in the head so he doesn't turn. I tried to climb onto the bus but I screamed and fell to the ground. I look at my leg to see what caused the pain. I was shot in the leg. Son of a bitch!

  I stood back up, ignoring the pain and I started to walk back for Rick and Daryl. The only ones who didn't make it over the gate. Besides me.

  I started running/limping while looking around for the redneck and the asshole. One hand was on my thigh while the other one was holding a handgun, shooting every now and then.

  But that didn't last very long before I was hit in the head by what I assume was a gun and I fell to the ground but I wasn't exactly knocked out. When they realized that I got a boot in the face. Very painful might I add.


  I jolted awake. I frantically looked around. I was in a room kind of like the one I was in when I first arrived here but it wasn't. There was something different about the vibe. I could hear cheering outside. The weird thing was, I wasn't tied to the chair.

  I stood up and walked to the door. I put my ear against it. I could still hear cheers but I also heard footsteps coming towards the door. I stepped back when I heard the doorknob wiggle.

  The door slammed open and in came my father. He put my arms behind my back and tied them together.

  "Let's go." He grumbled.

  He pushed me outside and towards the cheering and chanting. I could see bright lights around an arena where it was obvious that's where the cheering was coming from. My father quickly put a bag over my head so I couldn't see where I was going so I couldn't run away.

  The cheers got louder as we entered the arena. My father took off the bag and I could see everything. I was being held by the Governor.

  I looked around and saw two people I thought I would never see again. Andrea. She was trying to stop what The Governor was doing but she was getting held back by guards.

  The last person I thought was dead. I mean she was getting torn apart right in front of me. At least that's what I thought.

  Katelynn, my little sister stood there. (If you don't remember Katelynn go to chapter Near Death Experience)

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