Chapter 15

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Jack's P.O.V.
December 23 (Christmas Eve.)

Today is the day, the day I meet her. I have waited too long to do this. I finished cleaning up my room and the rest of the house and told the boys,

"Don't embarrass me, make the house a mess and anything else. Be on your best behavior when I come back from the airport."

I get in my car and start to think.

What if she doesn't like me?

What if something happens and I upset her?

What if I'm not good enough for her?


hat is she doesn't like her surprise?

I decided to call her mom to make sure that the flight was almost over. One ring. Two. and Two 1/2 before she answers.

"Hello?" she calls.

"Hey it's Jack, ummm I just wanted to make sure that you and (Y/N)'s flight was almost over." I say.

"Oh dearie, I could've sworn i told you that I invited (Y/N)'s bestfriend to go along on the trip instead of me because well you know, she probably doesn't want her old mom coming along on the trip" she explains.

"Oh yes ma'am I understand."

" I can give you her friend's number though, if you want to ask her." she says

"Oh that would be wonderful, thank you very much."

"Okay the number is (insert and random phone number here lol)" she tells me and i write it down at a stoplight.

"Thank you so much Mrs. (Y/L/N)." I say.

"It was no problem sweetheart. Bye bye" she says then ends the call.

I call the number she gave me and she answers after 2 rings.

"Hello?" she questioned.

"Um hi this is Jack Avery. Are you (Y/N)'s best friend?" I query.

"Yes this is. Are you calling to make sure that we are on our way and that (Y/N) still doesn't know about the surprise?" she qustiones again.

"Haha yes that's exactly what I'm calling for," I answer.

"Well our flight should be over in about 10 minutes because we are on our way landing right now, and of course the surprise is still a surprise"

"Well thank you but I have to get going, traffic's really bad and I don't want to get in an accident when I'm about to meet two wonderful girls," I tell her.

"Wow I didn't know (Y/N) was dating such a flirt," she blurts.

"We aren't dating yet," I reply.

"Well I gotta go so I'll call you when we are walking out of the train."

"Okay Bye, " I say and she returns a quick "Bye" and we hang up.

8:45 a.m.

You: Whuchu doin babe

Y/N: I told you im on the plane my mom and friend have a surprise for me

You: Oh yeah I forgot about that

You: Text me when you figure out what the surprise is okay

Y/N: Okay babe

Y/N: How are you?

You: I'm good, just mainly bored, its only me and Zach at the house and we are both leaving tomorrow night.

Y/N: Im bored, I keep bugging (Y/B/F) to tell me where we're going but she won't budge. She even put headphones so that I couldn't hear the announcer on the plane telling us where we're going.

You: Hahah probably because she knows that the surprise is better staying as a surprise.

Y/N: Welp I gotta go the plane just landed

You: Bye babe

Y/N: Bye babe

I pulled into the parking lot and went to the baggage thingy to wait for them. about two minutes later I got a call form (y/n)'s best friend.

"Hello" I said.

"We're walking towards baggage right now" she explains.

"Okay I'll keep a look out" I say.

"Bye," we say at the same time then laugh and hang up.

I kept an eye out for this girl I had been texting and calling and facetiming for about four months. Until I saw a girl who looked like her but had a red blindfold covering her eyes and a tall skinny girl beside her leading her towards me.




How was it?

Any questions?

Anyway keep a lookout for your P.O.V. next chapter, we've had Jack's P.O.V. for a while now so its time to change it up.

Your P.O.V. is what you were doing while Jack was doing what he was doing in this chapter.

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