Chapter 1, Zeus's rampage

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~James' POV~

 Lightning striking across the ceiling of my bedroom and thunder rolling in th  Sullivan only mean one thing. Zeus isn't in a good mood again, I wonder what the human race did this time. He, among many others, think that the human race has no brains and are constantly making a mess. Normally, I agree with them. Well, I'll probably find out what they did this time  soon enough. He'll eventually end up calling us into the throne room to discuss what to do about the matter at hand, then he'll end up sending his son, Heracles, down to earth to fix the whole situation. This is starting to get really old, why does Heracles get to do all the fun work, while I sit around here, doing practically nothing.

     Not even two minutes after that thought popped in my head, Zeus called the meeting. Might as well get up and go see what happened, it's not like I really have a choice anyway.

  When I get into the room, I notice all of the main gods, Zeus obviously, his wife Hera; hmm they must be back on speaking terms, ever since the affair that gave birth to Heracles you hardly ever see them in the same room. There is also Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hermes, Poseidon, Eros, Nyx, my father Apollo, and even Hades. Oh that idiot race must have really screwed up if Hades is here. Looking around I noticed all the other demi-gods who have earned their place on Mount Olympus, like me, enter the meeting room. There's Heracles, son of Zeus. Angel the daughter of Hades. It's kind of a contradicting name if you ask me. There's also Penelope, daughter of Poseidon, even though she prefers to be called Ice. I still use her original name. Nicholas who is the son of Nyx, Jade a daughter of Aphrodite, Rose the daughter of Eros, Valkerie the daughter of Artemis, and many others that I haven't quite gotten around to remembering their names yet.

    Zeus starts to speak, "You all know why I called you here today. It's those inconsiderate little mortals known as humans again."

  "What did they do this time," Poseidon asks slowly with a twinge of annoyance.

   "They did quite a number of things brother," Zeus practically spits lightening across the marble room at Poseidon, "One, they have started another ridiculous war! Over nothing!"

    "Sorry, I got bored," Ares chimed in. Zeus immediately throws a lightning bolt at Ares head. Ares being a god of war sees whats happening and ducks at the last minute.

 After that, I kind of zone out, not really caring what the moronic race of humans did this time, and just wanting for this meeting to be over and Heracles to be sent down to do yet another mission that I wish to be apart of, but when Zeus seems to be drawing near the end of his long list of complaints, something that he says catches my attention, he says, "And lastly, the most important thing: the humans have started worshipping  two new religions that I haven't even heard of! I think one of them is known as Egyptian, and the other is something like Norde, or Morse. You know what, it doesn't even matter! They could be worshipping Moose! For all I care it has to be stopped!" he seems to look like he's lost in thought, then he nearly jumps out of his seat and says, "It was Norse, yep that's what they called it."

Yes it's norse you idgit but I thought you did care, I thought to myself.

   "Yeah, I've heard of them," says Aphrodite, and after she says that a whole lot of "so have I's" and "Yeah me too's" were said from most of the other gods. As I look around I notice people nodding and talking with each other. I just kept my mouth shut.

  "And why didn't anyone tell me of this," Zeus says angrily, and everyone looks away nonchalantly as thunder roles and lightning strikes. Zeus continues, "Never mind, I don't want to know."

   "So, what do you want to do about it?" I ask bravely.

   "I need a team of gods and goddesses to go down to earth and investigate what's going on." Zeus replies. Heracles instantly stands up but Zeus sits him back down. Wow, that's a first. Did Zeus really just make his son sit back down!? He continues, "You've helped the humans enough my son, let some of the others prove their worth." After he spoke this I stand up. i am not missing an opportunity to actually do something for once. Angel stood up next followed by all Penelope, Nicholas, Valkerie, Jade and the last to stand up is Rose.

    "Ok then, it looks like we have the team assembled, You seven will be sent down to earth to deal with these invisibles, don't let me down." Zeus states. The thunder stops rolling, and the lightning ceases signalling that Zeus has said all that he needs to say. So we all go off in our own directions.


   A little bit later, after we all got our supplies together and were ready, we went to say goodbye to our parents. Giving them hugs and earning words of encouragement we were on our way down Mount Olympus. Before I walked away from my father, Zeus walked over and pulled me to the side.

 "I need you to do me a favor." he says, looking like he's about to ask me to do something serious

    "Sure, anything you need me to do," I reply, without hesitation.

   "I need you to try and keep as many of you guy's alive as you can! If there is other gods out there, we're going to need as many of us that we've got. We can't afford to lose anyone, I fear that a war may be brewing soon." He says sincerely, offering me his hand.

    "I'll do my best to bring as many of us home as I can," I say, shaking his hand.

    "And that's all I'm asking for you to do. Your best." He says, than walks away. Shortly after he walks away, his brother Hades walks over. What could he want? Whatever it is it probably won't be good.

   "I know Zeus probably just told you to try and make sure  that as many of you stay alive as possible. Well, I'm here to do about the same thing, just a little more specific. You better make sure my daughter comes home to me! Or I'll make sure you rot in the underworld for all of eternity. In the lowest depths of Hell, where the worst of the worst will rip you to shreds and bring you back to life just to kill you again and again and again." He says, with his head fuming, changing colors and causing the temperature around us to get like 50 degrees hotter.

    "I'll protect her with my life," I say, kind of frightened. Yet I said it with the utmost amount of truth anyone has ever spoken with.

As we start to head down Mount Olympus, a thought occurred to me, we still look like gods. If we ever plan on figuring out why the humans have betrayed us, we're going to have to try to fit in with them. I mention it to the others, and they all agreed. I turned my Sun gold hair to a platinum blonde, dulled down my shining blue eyes to just a slightly bright blue, shrunk myself down five feet; from ten foot seven to five foot seven, then changed my glowing skin to just a nice even tan and put myself into normal clothing attire. Wow, those ungrateful, good for almost nothing humans really do look quite dull and depressing. While I was busy filling myself down, everyone else appeared to do the same, Angel now has fiery red hair, instead of fire for hair. Instead of amber colored eyes they are like a shade of hot pink, her ghost like skin is now just white, and she's about five foot four. Penelope changed her hair from the flowing water it normally is to a dirty blonde waterfall braid, her eyes from clear as water to an ocean blue, her liquid shape to an olive skin tone, gets rid of the mermaid like tail and shrinks down to about five foot five. Nicholas makes his shadow self take human shape, with long black hair, coal black eyes, and dark skin, he also makes himself about six foot one. Jade changes her pink hair to long slightly curled blonde hair, her pink eyes to a pretty shade of blue, her pink skin changed to a fair skin tone, and she shrunk to about five foot four. Rose had become a brunette, her violet eyes stayed the same as did her caramel skin tone. The only other thing that changed was that she is now five foot two instead eight foot two. Valkerie also didn't change much, she kept her black hair and brown eyes, her skin went from moonlight to fair, and she's now five foot four.

    Now that we all look somewhat like normal mortal beings, we finish are way down to earth. Start our first mission as true demi-gods.


Comment and vote if you liked it! I love feedback! Also, I want to give a huge thank you and shout out to my new editor, @irishcupcake15, who is currently going through all of my chapters, fixing them up and adding some detail to make this story ten times better.

Thanks for reading!

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