Chapter 12, Wonder What the Gods are up to

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Chapter 12

Wonder What the Gods are up to

~Zeus' POV~

    "Everyone, come quick, the children seem to have escaped that abominations wrath." I hollar, and everyone comes running in, first it's Aphrodite, than Eros, shortly after them Apollo and Hades also enter the room, then there is Nyx and Poseidon, looks like all the parents of the demi gods are here, all but Artemis, she must still be grieving from the loss of her daughter, Valkerie. After all the parents enter the room, some of the other gods file in, such as Ares, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, my wife Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Ananke, Chronos, Erubus, Hemera, and Hypnos.

   "Sounds like a good enough of a reason to party." Dionysus says drunkenly, and grabs another bottle of wine and pours  himself another glass than asks if anyone else wants some, everyone shakes their head no.

   "We may have won this battle, but the war is not yet over." Athena injects, standing tall, with sword sheathed at her side.

    "She's right, the war is far from over, there is still a lot more blood to shed, and if I have anything to say about it, it surely won't be anymore of ours." Ares agrees in his own gruesome way.

    "All in good time my friends, all in good time." Chronos throws in

   "Chronos is right, you never know what could be lurking in the shadows." Erubus comments, throwing his opinion in there.

    "And our sons and daughters are all safe." Apollo says with a singsong tone in his voice.

   At that moment, the entire room goes black, and Artemis steps into the room and says with some venom in her voice, "Not all of our children are safe, mine died within the first couple of hours, and you all are out here practically throwing a party, can't you see that they don't stand a chance if that abomination ends up finding them again, she's too powerful, and they're not strong enough, not on they're own."

   "Artemis can you please give us back the light please, it makes this conversation a whole lot easier if the majority of the group could see." I say

   "I got it sir." Apollo says, than lights up the room

"Ah, that's better, thanks Apollo. Artemis, I think the children are doing just fine, yes your daughter may have been killed, but the others have managed to escape the abomination, and thanks to Eros and Aphrodite's daughters, this creature is at least a few weeks distance away from them, and it doesn't look like it will leave any time soon. I think the children are safe for now, if something else end up going wrong, I'll send my son Heracles down to help them." I say authoritatively. Once it looks like everyone has calmed  down, I continue, "Now, since there are no more complications as of right now, this meeting is adjourned, go back to your usual duties." Everyone disperses, after everyone leaves I head up back to my throne to continue to watch the children and see how they are doing.

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