CHAPTER 13 - The Eve of Eavesdropping

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After dinner Nandini the gang was supposed to meet at Nandini’s room to talk shop before dispersing. Nandini however, was given the responsibility to see Gayatri off to her room. It was while she was getting back from settling her grandmother in that she had to pass by the lounge where their fathers were having a drink, and Nandini could not keep herself from eavesdropping to their particularly colourful conversation.




‘So how was the drive back home with Godzilla?’ asked Yosuf’s father, advocate Ahmed Khan.


‘Don’t ask’ grumbled Rajshekhar Singh, Nandini’s father.

‘You are the man whose daughter is to be married off, don’t tell me you are still afraid of your mother’ chimed in Bhawani. Nandini really had to stifle her laughter in order to spy on their conversation. She could not believe even in her wildest imagination that the prime and proper fathers would have nicknames for her grandmother. She wondered how long had that name been in use. 

‘Speaking of marriage, I have a feeling’ chipped in Tarun Juneja, Anita’s father.

‘Is it a good feeling or a bad?’ asked Ahmed

‘Well it is good if you take it well and not if you don’t’ replied Tarun.

‘Enough with your riddles already. What is this feeling may I ask?’ asked Bhawani after taking a swig of his brandy.

That was when Nandini was all attentive and prayed to all the Gods from all the religions that it was not what she was fearing.

Tarun poured himself a generous amount of brandy from the decanter and said ‘I think our little Adi is in love for good this time and head over heels too. Now, I do not want you guys to be alarmed or go raging mad, especially you’ he pointed at Bhawani, who by the look of it had no clue what was about to hit him. ‘I might be wrong, it is after all just a feeling, but I think we better keep an eye out for the little fellow just in case’ concluded Tarun. 

‘Of course he is in love. He has probably been in love ever since he was five when he hit my son on the head with the back of a plastic sword when Yosuf was trying to irritate Nandini’ said Ahmed in a matter of fact way. ‘He is marrying her after all’ he added.

‘Yes, and no – Yes, he is marrying Nandini, and no, I have not said that he is in love with her’ Tarun replied.

Nandini ears puckered, and she was sure her skipped at least a couple of dozen beats at what she heard. She always thought that Anita’s father was good at reading behaviour, but what she did not expect was he would do that while working on one of his projects. After all, the man did take all his projects very sincerely and never had she seen him delving in matters that did not concern his work while on a project. 

‘WHAT IN THE BLASTED HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?’ Bhawani boomed which brought Nandini out of her little world. 

‘Now, now there is nothing to be angry about. It is just a statement made after my little observation. You do not need to shout and bring the mansion down. I am not even sure how far my observations hold water.’

‘What exactly are your observations?’ Ahmed asked in a calm collected voice.

‘My observations made me aware that Adi and Nandini is not made for one another. That is just my assumption based on my observations. Now, if we need to know the truth we would have to make those two sit in front of us and fill the gaps in for us’ said Tarun.

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