Pistol Annie

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                Tori had shot a gun before. Her father had taken her hunting a few times and so she wasn't foreign to the idea of firing one. She also wasn't afraid to kill something since she had the nerve to shoot that deer her father pointed out to her. It was on a cold, clear morning much like today. She could still remember the way the rifle kicked her shoulder as the weight of the deer's body collapsed.
              A deer head was mounted on the wall of the pawn shop. It smelled like grease and a handful of dirty pennies. The man behind the counter noticed the dog trailing behind Tori.
"No dogs in the shop Miss."
"Oh I am a paying customer.",
The man paused and stared at Tori.
"Well, sir what I mean is I'm here to buy. I am not a window shopper. ",
Zeus wagged his tail and gazed up at the man behind the glass counter.
"What are you looking to buy this morning?", he said.
"A gun.", Tori recanted.
"A pistol to be exact."

                  She could sense the man sizing her up. I mean here is this scrawny girl who to most would be no older that twenty-five years old and she's got this vicious looking pitbull and asking for a firearm. Tori thought there was no way in hell he would ever hand a gun over to her. She really couldn't blame him.
               "What caliber you got in mind?", the man asked to her surprise. Tori didn't even think. She just blurted out, "Whatever leaves the biggest hole." Again the man stared back at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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