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I'm not in love with the sky or the stars, I'm not even sure I'm in love with you.

I listen to these melodies so deeply to the point where water no longer feels like water to me.

We watch blood wash down the drain, not sure who's it is, not sure that we care.

As long as there is pain somewhere.

But if I shake just know it could mean anything.

My voice is strained from your screams that you forced out of me.

You said "You'll feel it too." and I thought "This is romance!".

Belief is an ignorant thing.

Flowers grow in my lungs when I redefine who you loved.

"I wouldn't do this for anyone else."

I shout your words back to you.

But you still don't hear, or just don't care.

I didn't listen to them when they listened to me because you once heard me too.

Oh what a beautiful masterpiece of destruction we've created.

I wish I didn't watch myself be taken and smile as I was breaking.

The water drips from your lips and you say "I hope you can believe me.".

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