Chapter 12

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Excuse my mistakes .

Dave East

       We had been laying in her bed watching tv since what happened

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       We had been laying in her bed watching tv since what happened. She was snuggled up against me with her head on my chest and her leg across my waist . While she watched tv I just held her and thought about how I was going to fuck whoever up that did this . I can't stand a man that thinks it's okay to put their hands on a female. That's some bitch shit and you get zero respect from me . She still hasn't told me who did it and I was growing impatient.

      Ive had to fuck up plenty of my female cousins boyfriend for thinking it was good to put they hands on them .

Anaya started to move around knocking me out my thoughts . She wrapped her arm tighter around me  . I rubbed her side and pulled her closer to me .

" I was in a abusive relationship and instead of me leaving when he first started putting his hands on me I stayed . Nobody knew what I was going through . Not my parents not even Karin and Nadriah. I kept it to myself until -until " She stopped talking and that's when I started to feel my shirt get wet .

I sat up and pulled her on top of me letting her cry in my chest . I never seen her like this and it was fucking me up inside . Over time I guess you could say I grew a soft spot for Anaya .

"Shhh you don't have to tell me right now " I said wrapping my arms around her

" No I need to " she said lifting up . " We were together for a while and everything was good and then one day it all changed . He wasn't only physically abusing me but also verbally . " taking a deep breath she wiped her face .

"I had been feeling sick for like a month straight. I thought I had a stomach virus so I went to the doctor to get a check up. Instead of her telling me what I thought was wrong with me she told me that I was pregnant. "

Hearing the word pregnant caught me by surprise because out of all the stuff we've talked about kids was never the topic of discussion.

" That day I was so scared but excited at the same time . When he got home that night I gave him the ultrasound pictures and he asked who's they were. I said mine and he just flipped . He accused me of cheating on him and getting pregnant by some else. That day went from being the happiest day of my life to the worst. He beat me so bad that I had a miscarriage and he just left me there on the floor of our bedroom bleeding out ." 

I tension up feeling anger rush through my whole body . That's when I remembered the dude from the hallway . He was right there and I didn't even know it. If only I had came a few minutes earlier .

" Why did he have to kill my baby ?" She asked breaking down all over again .

Anaya Roderick

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