Chapter Six

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Aaron POV:
"Ok Garroth, truth or dare??" Gar says "Umm... truth" Aph asks "Is it true that you have a crush on someone?" I raise an eyebrow "Yes" Garroth asks "Vylad, truth or dare?" he says "Dare" Garroth says "I dare you to scare Michi." Vylad smirks "No problem!" he goes outside. We look through the window, Michi is walking with a basket of clothes, he is sneaking behind her "Will he do it?" I look closer at him, Vylad scares Michi, she screams and runs, everyone laugh while I chuckle "Wasn't that funny?" I say "Yeah" Vylad comes back "Alright, Aaron, truth or dare?" I say "Truth" he asks "Did you discover your power?" I say "Not yet" Aph says "He just turned Vylad, he can't discover it that fast. In a week or 2 he might discover it." I say "I don't really care what power I get..." I ask "Melissa, truth or dare?" she says "Dare!" I say "I dare you to kiss a guy." I continue "One that is older than you. You're older than other guys." she says "I don't know any guy older." Aph says "Vince is older." I frown "The one who bit her? No way!" Melissa says "I'll try find someone." the door opens "I got a plate of snacks princess." Vince places a bowl "Thanks" Melissa kisses him on the cheek "Melissa!" she says "You did not say where to kiss." Vince has a red face "It was a dare, sorry." he says "It's ok" he leaves the room "Aph... truth or dare~?" before she chooses, I whisper to her "Be careful at what you choose, she is evil at this game." Aphmau says "Dare~" oh no... "I dare you to kiss my brother." Aph says "No problem~" she jumps on me to kiss me "Ooooh~" she bites my bottom lip "Ouch" she giggles "Aphmau, are you trying to mark him again?" Aph holds me "Mine!" Garroth chuckles "We get it. Here Aaron." he is taking out something "Chicken blood" I take it and drink it. It tastes like fried chicken "A fact about them... they like blood. If they see an injured chicken... they kill her." my eyes widen "What?" Laurance says "Yep, but we're not like them." Aph asks "Zane, truth or dare?" Zane says "Truth" she asks "Is KC pre-" Zane put a hand on her mouth "Huh?" Zane says "You'll find out later." Aph is trying to talk "Laur, truth or dare?" he says "Dare" Zane says "Steal Cadenza's favorite dress." his eyes widen "She is going to kill me if I do that!" Zane says "She can't" Laurance groans, then flies out of the house "I have a bad feeling." we wait for Laurance to get back with the dress. Minutes passed and he's not back "LOCK THE DOOR!!" he gets in "I got the dress!" he closes the window, I lock the door "Aph, put the dress on!!" she yells "I can't change in front of the boys!" Aph looks at me "Weeell, I don't mind changing in front of Aaron~" my face is red "Let's get out" we get out of the room "Why did you ask Aph to put the dress on??" before he can answer, we hear angry footsteps "Hide me!!" I hide Laurance behind me "WHERE IS HE?" Gar says "We haven't seen him." she glares at them. When she sees me, she gets surprised "Oh hello! New face here?" I smile "Do you recognize him? You've seen him before." Cadenza sees my sister "Melissa???" she looks at me "Aaron??" everyone laughs, Laurance is staying quiet "What brings you here in the village?" Melissa says "Well, we moved here..." Cadenza yells "My best friend moved here and no one told me this?" Zane says "I wanted to tell you." she says "When I was making the pink dress? Sorry!" he says "I dared Laur to steal your dress. Aphmau is trying it." she gasps "I NEED TO SEE!!" she opens the door "OH MY IRENE!!!" I think she just killed my ears "Aphmau, you look amazing!" we look to see. She... looks... beautiful... "Thanks Cadenza!" Melissa smirks at me "Alright guys, we should go home to sleep." we agree with Zane and we all go home or to our rooms. I am stopped "Not you too" i'm dragged back in her room "You will sleep with me tonight~" she is changing from the dress in her long nightgown, of course I looked away "Am I that ugly??" I say   "You're not ugly. I'm not a man to look at girls changing." she giggles "You are really innocent~" Aphmau gets on top "Did you have girlfriends?" I say "No... I was busy to take care of Melissa, our dog and myself." she looks in my eyes "Am I really your first girlfriend?" she is shocked and happy "Yes Aph. Now... where can I find clothes?" she goes in her closet "I got something for you~" I ask "How did you get these?" she says "I bought them." I ask "Where can I go change?" she smirks "Let me help you Aaron." she takes off my jacket, I put a shirt on "Please turn around" she says "Fine~" I change from my ripped jeans "Ok, i'm done" she turns around "Let's just go to sleep." I lay on the bed "Why do you have a double bed?" she says "I am afraid of falling off the bed..." I say "Understood" she lays on me "Why me of all the guys?" she says "You are way different than the others..." she yawns "Good night" I sigh "Good night Aph" I go to sleep "Tomorrow is another day."

*the next day*
I eat my breakfast: toast with butter, a glass of orange juice and bacon "Good morning little brother~!" I just eat my breakfast "Your mouth is full..." I gulp "Morning you too" she asks "How was sleeping with Aphmau~?" I say "It was normal. Ok, it was a bit warm..." if she fangirls... I swear to Irene "You 2 are a perfect couple~!" Aph comes in "Good morning!" she kisses my cheek "What should I eat?" Aphmau says "We have cereals." I drink my juice "Aaron...?" I look at my sister "Look!" she points at my plate. When I look, it levitates, my eyes widen "What the heck?" Aphmau says "It's your power! You can levitate stuff!" I move my hand, the plate goes back on table "Force and levitating? I am impressed Aaron. I didn't discover my power yet." Aphmau says "I'll help you control your power." I say "Thank you Aph." she smiles "You're welcome honey." Melissa laughs "No one called him that, except mom." my face is red "Melissa, I swear... I will kill you..." she smirks "I love you too~" I roll my eyes.

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