Chapter Nine

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Aaron POV:
Aph offered to do a picnic party at the village, inviting Balto and his people, I never went to a party before "Aaron, I know this is your first party, but trust me, it will be fine." I say "I don't know Melissa, I only talk to ones close to me and not new people." she says "When they want to talk to you, make a small chat." I sigh "Look, Garroth is there." I look at where she points at. Garroth is talking with Laurance "Talk to them." I walk towards them "Hey guys!" they look at me "Hey buddy! Sit with us!" I get dragged by Garroth "Wait, what is that smell?" Garroth's eyes widen "No way... you-" he gasps "You tiger!" I say "She's the tiger, not me!" they grin "Oh really?" I say "You know I am NOT like that!!" Garroth says "I'm teasing you, I know you are not like that." Laurance asks "Would you like a steak? Garroth told me you like meat." I say "Thanks" I take the biggest one and eat "A good fighter needs good food." Gar pats my back "Hu guys!" I see the white haired guy "Hey Travis! Come join us!" he sits "Hi Aaron, nice to see you again." I say "You too" he takes a steak "Gene made the steaks, Dante made chilly and that cake over there." he points. The cake's huge "Forest fruits cake, since there is the werewolf village here." I say "Yeah you're right" I finish my steak "Ooooh, the princess is here~!!" everyone have their eyes on her. She is wearing a red dress, her hair is in a ponytail, purple highlights are showing, she has heels, red heels at her feet "Why are you like that?" she says "Oh this?" she takes off the heels "I will show you what a free spirit I am! Who wants these heels?" I see Cadenza running to her "I will! I'm going to love them!" Melissa whispers "Did you expect that?" I nod. Cadenza likes fashion, she even has her shop, I sometimes gave Melissa money to buy from her when we were invited to the events of other villages "I will even get stained if I have to! I will wash it later.
Where is the food?" she sees the stand and runs to it "You should stop her." I get confused "If she eats too much, she might vomit. Vampires don't get fat." I walk towards Aphmau "You should sit somewhere and take it easy with food Aph." she looks at me "Aww, you care about me honey!" she wraps her arms around me "What's with the hug?" she says "It's one of my ways to say 'I love you'. I love you and my close friends." she has a big heart "Who are close?" I look around "Everyone!" I say "You do have a big heart." she giggles "Thanks! Now let me eat!" she stuffs her mouth, I look at the guys and shrug, they sign me to continue "I never saw a lady eat like that." she swallows the food "Well I... am fancy and mature at important meetings, but with my friends i'm just myself." I say "How no one got you...?" she says "No guy is like you." I blush a bit "What do you like at me?" she says "Your look, personality, the things you have done for so many villagers. I love everything about you. You don't have to change because you are a vampire, just be yourself Aaron..." she jumps in my arms "Aph... people might watch." she says "I don't care!" she grabs me to kiss me "Couple at the party!" I look at Garroth from the corner of my eye, he is grinning. I hear Cadenza screaming, or how Melissa calls it, fangirling "We might have a wedding everyone." wait what? "Hold on a second, we still need to know each other." she says "I know you enough. You will know me better tomorrow." I sigh "Fine" Melissa yells "Who wants some homemade burger? It's mine and Aaron's recipe~" I shake my head with a grin "I always wanted to taste your food." I say "Now is your chance" she walks to get one "I did not knew you could cook." I tell Laur "You don't know many things about me. I'm a box of mystery~" Garroth says "Hey, you remembered the title I gave you!" we hear a yell "Hey guys!" I see Dante and Gene "What's up Aaron? Enjoying the party?" I say "Yeah I do" Gene says "Liked the steak?" I say "You're a great cook." he smiles "Thanks!! Did you try the cake made by my little brother?" I say "Not yet, I wait until they are done eating." I point "Who made those??" I say "Melissa did. It's our recipe." Gene says "I didn't know you can cook. Can I hire you?" I chuckle "I prefer to hunt than to cook." Gar says "He is hunting since he was 14. No one is better than Aaron." someone coughs "We're better together." they bow "King Balto" Balto says "No need to bow. I've known him long enough to know what he likes to do and what he hates. I taught him to hunt." I say "He did while our fathers were chatting at picnic." he wraps an arm around my shoulders "We had so many great memories. I could tell you all of them, but it might take all day." I say "Go ahead" he smiles "Alright! So... the first memory..." he starts to tell the story when we met, even the girls join to listen and Aph is hugging me. After he is done, we eat the cake "Dante, the cake is amazing." he smiles "Thanks! I worked a few hours." Gene says "I had to call Nana to help him. The cake was waaay too big." Dante says "It was big enough to fill two villages." Gene says "Two? Maybe five!" we laugh "At least you baked a delicious job." Dante says "Thank you Melissa" Aph stares at me "Say ahhh~" oh dear "Come on Aaron, you have to." I glare at Melissa, then I open my mouth to eat the cake "When is the cake??" I look with wide eyes at Nana "Honey, that's a bit too soon..." I hide my face in my hands "Follow me Aaron." Zane takes me to a lake "So, is this the place where Aph bit you?" the memory comes back "Yesh..." he sighs "Let me tell you something..." he takes a deep breath "Many guys tried to be... the perfect guy for her, even took the risk to be bitten. She wasn't interested in any, she was and is in love with you since she was 18. You're not like other guys, you didn't try. You already were perfect for her. At first you hated this idea of being a vampire, but you... you changed your mind and took the risk. Why did you do that..?" I say "When I was at Lucinda's, I read a letter father wrote before he died. He wanted us to be friends with Aphmau. Even if I will not be with her, at least be friends..." I continue "I cried after I read the letter and it was weird, I usually don't cry. I sensed something weird in her... but I found more about her from Vylad." he asks "So you took the risk to be like us because you started to like her?" I say "Not only that. I didn't want my sister to be sad if I died." Zane smiles "That's very nice. Caring about your family is very important." I smile "Do you want to stay alone for a bit?" I nod "I will let you be." Zane goes back to the party. I look at the sky "Father... I miss you... I miss mom too... I hope you're ok in the Heaven with Lady Irene..." I feel a tear falling, I wipe it, then go back to party.

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