The Beginning

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Saturday, November 18th, 1998, the day I emerged onto Earth. Life was good as a baby. All the milk one could ask for, having others feed me, yeah, it was great, but once I hit 10 that all changed (the good life, not the baby treatment ^_^). My mother, the CEO Starbucks, and my father (Co-Owner) started having started off as simple things such as the toilet seat bring up or washing the dishes. Then it escalated, my mother would cry at night while my father watched TV downstairs. My parents had never fought before, ever. When she began walking around with bruises I knew something b yelling at him and he jumped off the couch and just started beating her. I ran over to my best friend Anaïs Wisowski's house. I just had to get away. "Juliette, what's wrong?!", she asked confused. "Promise your won't tell, my d-dad is abu-busing my mooom!" I responded in between sobs. She had a worried look on her face, but assured me that she'd walk with me the whole way. I love this girl.But honestly this was too much for me. And she did, five years in a row. It started happening with her too, the fighting, yelling, arguing, the works. One night while my mom was at a late meeting, it happened. My dad, drunk as usual, stumbled into my room. He said a lot of slurred words and jumped on top of me. I tried to get him off but he wouldn't budge, the man was on the wrestling team all through high school for goodness sakes. He had his way with me and then I blacked out.


The next morning at breakfast he was down there. I thought maybe it was a dream, but the way he was avoiding my gaze told me otherwise. I stomped out the house and walked to the bus stop... Hey dumbass its Sunday,  I thought to myself. I can't believe this molesting fool sat in church for 2 hours with not a single look of guilt on his face. Filthy mother fucker! That night, Anaïs and I decided to leave. I took all the money out of all of his accounts, packed up all of my clothes and got the fuck up out of there.




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