Chapter Three

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Cleo was waiting outside of the school trying to spot her little man.

"Mom, I got a sticker today for being a good boy in class today."

"Honey I'm so proud of you. We will have to treat you. How about this Saturday we go out for some ice cream
? "

"Really? Okay I can't wait!"

They got in the car and once Max had done his seat belt Cleo started off towards home.

"Tonight we are going to go to the Stones house. Their son Cade has just returned home from the army and we are invited to dinner."

"Okay mom. I guess I'm going to have to have a bath then?"

Max looked sad about having to have to a bath but Cleo knew that he actually really liked them.

They reached their house and pulled up to the drive way. Their house was an off white colour with a brown fence going around the front garden. She had been meaning to paint the house make it look fresh again but she seemed to never have the time to and she didn't really want to hire someone else to do it since they would be strangers.

Cleo opened the front door and Max bolted inside.

"Be in the bathroom!"

As Cleo got to the bathroom Max was already running the bath and had put loads of bubbles in there along with all his boats. Cleo helped Max get undressed and into the bath tub. They sent at least ten minutes in there playing around and playing pirates.

"Come on max it's nearly half four, we need to be at the house at five and your turning in to a prune."

Max laughed when he looked at his hands and saw that his mom was right. They got out of the bathroom and headed to Max's bedroom to find him some clothes. Cleo picked out some smart dark blue jeans and a white shirt with small black dots on. After leaving him to get dressed she headed in to her own room and looked at all the clothes in her wardrobe. She wanted to dress up a little nicer tonight so she picked a dark red body-con dress that reached her knees and hugged her curves. She matched the dress with small heeled red shoes. She looked classy but sexy.

Cleo had butterflies in her belly as she turned up the drive to the Stone house. Her hands felt slightly damp and they were slightly shaking. She didn't know why she felt like this. It's not like it was a date, she was only going to dinner with a family that she has come to love and their son who has just returned home. She didn't even know him!

Taking a deep breath in, she got out of the car and let Max out. Max shot straight out of the car and started to run up to the house.

"Nanna, Grandad, I'm here!"

John and Debbie already had the door open for them and Debbie opened her arms to take the little boy in a crushing hug.

"I missed you. I hope you have been looking after your mommy and if your mommy says you have then I'll give you your favourite food."

"I have been good, I promise. I helped mommy with the shopping yesterday and I cleaned my room all on my own."

Max looked up to his mommy, pleading with his eyes to confirm that he was good. He was looking forward to having nanna's pasta.

"Yes, Max here has been very good. So I guess he can have his pasta that I know he has been dying for. I tried making it for him the other day and he wouldn't touch it. He said that it was not yours so there for it will not taste the same."

Cleo looked down at her son shaking her head with a loving smile on her face. Her son really was growing up to fast.

Max knew that John and Debbie wasn't his real Nanna and Grandad, but since they did so much for Cleo and Max when he was born, they sort of adopted the both of them. They was a part of the family.

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