Chapter Four

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She looked at the time and knew Tom would be home any minute now. She was excited to see him and tell him the good news. They needed some good news since these past few months were starting to put a strain on their relationship.

She could tell Tom was distant and she hoped the news she wanted to give to him helped them fix whatever was going on with him.

She heard the door open and saw Tom stumble in. As she went near him she could smell the alcohol on him but she also saw a hicky on his neck with a red lipstick stain around the bruising. His lips also had the same colour lip stick all over them. She felt sick.

He was with another woman!

She marched over to him and slapped him.

"How could you!"

"What are you on about?"

"Don't act stupid, you know exactly what I'm on about! You have lipstick all over you and even a hicky on your neck. You were with another woman. So I will ask again, how could you?"

"It's none of your business."

"I am your wife!"

"I see the way you look at my friends like you want to bed them you slut. Don't think I don't see you."

"No I don't. You're my husband and I love you. How dear you say that. stop trying to make this about me, you're the one who was with someone else!"

"Don't you dear talk to me like that."

"You slept with someone else, I can talk to you how ever I want."

It was Toms turn now to slap Cleo.

"I can do whatever I please and you have no say in it. I didn't sleep with anyone else. I was at the bar and I kissed someone else but that was it."

"And you still think that's okay!"

"Maybe if you would give me something to be more excited about then I wouldn't seek it from other women."

"So you have slept with others before then?"

"As I said it doesn't concern you! Now get out of my way."

"No. How dare you!"

Cleo grabbed his arm but it was the biggest mistake she could have made. Tom turned around to face her and punched her in the face. Cleo fell to the ground and was shocked at what happened.

"I'm leaving. I want a divorce."

"You're not going anywhere wife."

He grabbed her by the arm and lifted her up in his arm. He dragged her to their bedroom and slammed her on the bed.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

He got on top of her and held both her wrist in one hand and then proceeded to tear her top of her.

"Maybe if you acted more of a wife then I won't need anyone else. Which gives me an idea. You're going to be the perfect wife from now on. You won't speak back to me; you won't question what I've been doing behind your back. You will be at my beck and call. You won't be working anymore either. Anytime I want to fuck you, you will let me and I swear to you wife, we won't be doing it how you like it anymore."

Cleo was scared. She couldn't believe this man was her husband, that this was the man she was madly in love with.

"I won't do it. You can't make me!"

"Oh but I can. You won't get away from me."

Tom finally let go off her hands but only to get his belt off. Before she could move he had her hands again and proceeded to tie her hands to the bed. Once done he got off the bed and left the room only to come back with another belt and some scissors.

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see."

He ripped the rest of her clothes of and what couldn't be ripped he cut them. Cleo was left in front of him naked as the day she was born and she knew what was going to happen.

Tom stripped of all his clothes and reached for the belt.

"You can't do this. Please Tom, don't do this. I'm pregnant. We can make this work."

"Shut up. I don't care. I don't even want a child. It's probably not even mine you whore."

His words stung her. She couldn't believe this was going to happen and she knew this won't be the last time either.

Tom turned her around on her back and she felt the first strike of the belt. Cleo cried out with pain but was silenced when Tom got a bit of fabric from her torn clothes and wrapped it around her mouth to silence her.

Many more strikes came from the belt and Cleo could feel deep gashes open up on her back and felt the blood trickle down on to the bed. She felt like she was going to pass out but then Tom stopped and grabbed her waist so she was bent over on her knees and she knew what would happen now.

She could feel him hard against her entrance and started to protest and wiggled around when he tried to enter her but Tom just grabbed her and went straight through her and didn't stop until he was finished.

Cleo was in so much pain that she just collapsed on the bed a wept when he was finished. She couldn't look him in the eye.

Tom let her go and untied her hands and carried her to the bathroom. He was running the shower and just dumbed her in there and left to wait outside.

Her back was stinging when the water fell on to her and she cried even more. She felt so much pain and she couldn't think what could be worse than what she just went through until she stood up and her belly started to hurt and she bent over with the pain and cried out.

Tom came inside and saw her and the blood that now trickled down her leg and smiled.

"At least that solves that problem."

Cleo just felt broken.

Tom grabbed her from the shower and put some clothes on her without any care to her back. He then carried her down to the basement, put her on an old camp bed and left locking the door after him.

She curled up on to the bed and let her heart bleed out.

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