Chapter Twenty Eight

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Notes: Okay so people have been asking me when Harry and Snape are going to get together. Again, this is tagged as slow burn for a reason. It's still going to be awhile. BUT this isn't the kind of fic that will end right after they get together. There's still a lot happening after they become a couple, so don't worry!

Snape glanced at the clock the next morning, his eyes narrowed as he struggled to read the time. He really should consider wearing his glasses more often.

He turned to look at Harry, who was happily flipping pancakes at the kitchen stove.

It should be a sin to be so happy this early in the morning, he thought bitterly.

"Don't you have work today?" Snape inquired.

Harry turned to face him, a small grin on his face. Snape would understand how Harry could look so happy when absolutely nothing had happened. He figured it was just another one of those foolish Gryffindor traits.

Harry leaned back against the kitchen counter, spatula in hand.

"Draco told me to take the day off today. Besides, I don't usually leave this early anyway."

Snape simply grunted in response, and turned his attention back to the newspaper in front of him. He enjoyed his time alone, and Potter would no doubt pester him all day.

"Read anything interesting?" Harry asked, gesturing to the newspaper in Snape's hands.

"Not really." Snape replied, not bothering to look up. "The same old complaints about Death Eater activity."

He regretted it the second he said it.

The grin melted from Harry's face, and was immediately replaced with a frown. His shoulders tensed, and he quickly turned his attention back to the stove in front of him. He poured more pancake batter into the pan and tried to force himself to relax.

"Let me guess..." Harry muttered. "They're also claiming that I'm 'The Chosen One', and that I should be the one to go after them?"

Snape was surprised at how utterly bitter he sounded.

"They may have mentioned....something like that." He replied carefully.

Harry let out a frustrated sigh, and forcefully threw his spatula down onto the counter.

"You know what? Maybe I should just give them what they want. They're not going to leave me alone until I do it, right?"

Snape slowly glanced up from his newspaper, trying not to cringe at the venom in Harry's voice. He fought to keep a neutral expression on his face while Harry continued to rant.

"I should just marry Ginny, and become an Auror, and suck it up and be miserable for the rest of my life so people will leave me alone for once!"

Snape opened his mouth to speak, but Harry continued on.

"I don't know why I ever thought I could do something besides become an Auror. Fighting is the only thing I'm good at. We both know I'm pants at Potions, and I'll never get my mastery. God, I'm so stupid."

A burning smell began to fill the kitchen, and Harry turned his attention back to the stove, startled. He scowled at the blackened pancake, and threw it in the trash.

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