Chapter Forty

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Harry woke up, his back stiff and his neck sore. It was completely dark, and for a moment, he forgot where he was.

But then he heard faint snores coming from his right, and realized that he was laying almost entirely upon his old Potions master.

He drew in a sharp breath, and quickly scrambled away. Snape stirred at bit before waking.

"Potter?" He murmured, his voice heavy with sleep.

"Yeah." Harry breathed. "It's me."

"Mmm. Everything okay?"

Harry stared at him in disbelief. Snape had allowed him to fall asleep on him, and then hadn't even yelled at him for it. He must still be feeling a bit off after Pansy's death, Harry decided.

"Yeah, everything's fine." He replied quietly, starting to pull himself out of the cupboard.

A little light trickled in through the kitchen windows, and Harry thought it was probably around 6 in the morning. He hadn't slept for long, it had seemed.

Snape was now pulling himself out of the cupboard as well, grumbling about his sore neck.

"I'm too old for sleeping in places like that." He grumbled, beginning to make a cup of coffee. "Next time you need to use me as a pillow, at least transfigure a bed or something."

Harry laughed.

"In the cupboard?"

"Preferably not in the cupboard." Snape replied, now searching around the kitchen for some breakfast.

They ended up making some toast, and Harry thought it was the best he had ever eaten. He realized that he hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday, and took a second helping of bread.

Kreacher suddenly appeared in the kitchen, wailing.

"Master Harry! I's be worried! I's couldn't find you!"

"It's okay, Kreacher." Harry soothed. "I'm here now."

"Master almost died!" Kreacher wailed loudly.

"Yes, but you saved my life." Harry replied seriously. "If you hadn't gotten Severus, I would have died."

Kreacher seemed to ponder that for a moment.

"I saved Masters life?" He asked, seeming a bit happier.

Harry nodded.

"Yes. You were wonderful. Now go get some rest, I'm sure you could use it after yesterday."

Kreacher stared at him for a moment longer, before nodding and apparating away.

Severus stared in distaste at the spot Kreacher had once stood.

"He could've gotten me a bit sooner." He muttered.

Harry nudged him with his foot under the kitchen table.

"Oh, shut up." He replied, trying not to smile at Snape's bitterness.

Snape rolled his eyes, then stood and put his plate in the sink.

"I think I'll go shower." He announced, stalking away.

Harry watched him go. His dark robes were wrinkled, and his hair was thoroughly rumpled. Harry thought he looked rather nice like that. He seemed more.... human, somehow.

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